Introducing TEDx in Oradea

What do you think of when you see an "X"?In maths, it stands for something that’s unknown, the solution to a problem you need to solve. In real life, when we say X, we generally add a ‘my/your/his/her’ before it and refer to the past - some situation, story or relationship that taught you important lessons.Then there are maps. When you look at a map and you see an X, you know where you are, your approximate position within a specific space.And there’s the X that stands next to TED. In this context, it means independently organized TED event. OK - maths, histories and maps, all those sound familiar. But what’s TEDx?TED stands for technology, education and design. It started as a conference in North America and gradually evolved into a global community that brings together people who believe that ideas have the power to shape the future and to, ultimately, change the world.TEDx is a program that brings the TED experience into local communities, helping ideas spread locally as well as globally. TEDx allows individuals in local communities to generate conversations about powerful ideas and relevant connections. And the best part about it: TEDx has arrived in Oradea.

TEDxOradea: #connected

The first TEDxOradea took place on October 29th, at the Sion Synagogue in Oradea. The theme of the event was #connected and it brought together 15 speakers from various fields, ranging from music to artificial intelligence and technology:

We’re sponsoring!

First and foremost, TED is about inspiring ideas and empowering people. And that’s part of the Qubiz DNA. So, naturally, when we got the news, we jumped right in to support the event. (Even if we're a software development company)That being said, we’re really excited that such an event is taking place in Oradea. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing the ideas that unravel at this edition. :)

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