A great job means great impact: How Fullstack Developer Bianca put her career on the fast track

One of the perks of working with Bianca Pașcalău is that you never suffer from a lack of motivation. In the two and a half years she spent with us, she completed our internship program, requested to work on our most challenging internal project, learned a second technology (BI), became a mentor in our internship program, and graduated summa cum laude from college. 

We had to ask: how does she do it all?

Let's dive in and start with the most important question: Why Qubiz?

Two years ago, amidst the distraction of the latest pandemic news, I was focused on two things: finishing my sophomore year of college and starting my IT career ASAP. An Angular/C# internship seemed like the perfect opportunity to do the latter.

I had always heard good things about the Qubiz culture, so I wanted to see how the magic works. And the team didn't disappoint. This is where I can be my true self. Qubiz's reputation for inclusion and support aligned with my values. Being part of a team that encourages and motivates me piqued my interest. This program had the potential to shape my future and accelerate my growth in IT.

So, I immediately applied for the internship because of the benefits of working on real-world projects and learning from experienced professionals. In short, I wanted to contribute to the mission of Qubiz while deepening my Angular and C# skills.

Describe your job in 3 words.

Engaging, Collaborative, Dynamic.

What's the first thing you do after you drink your coffee?

I check my inbox to stay on top of any changes or new requests that require a quick response on my part. Next, I read the work group chat. Most of it is project-related, but we also share memes and jokes. 😅 You might think we do this just for the laughs, but it also increases team engagement. 

Then, I turn to the backlogged tasks to assess their priority and determine what needs to be done. If I plan and organise my workflow effectively, I can meet deadlines and assign the right time to each task. This morning routine allows me to be proactive, stay connected with my team, and effectively manage my workload, ensuring a productive and well-structured workday.

How does your work contribute to Qubiz's overall mission?

I work on an internal software product the entire Qubiz team uses to track tasks and hours worked and ultimately bill our clients. It has a few dozen other cool features that I'll share with you in another interview. 😁 

In a nutshell, I contribute to the success of each Qubiz project by providing my colleagues with a productivity tool that also helps with operational structures and processes. In this way, I have a direct positive impact on our ability to deliver exceptional services and ensure a seamless experience for our clients.

You started as an intern, and now, you mentor interns. What has this experience been like?

One word: rewarding. I wouldn't be here without my mentors. Mentors are the Sherpas without whom I wouldn't be as successful as I am now –at least not as quickly. I look forward to having the same impact on my younger colleagues’ careers.

As a mentor, I help them find innovative solutions and show them what a developer's role is like. I know from experience that any new start is overwhelming, so I strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment. I listen to their concerns, address their doubts, and give them practical advice.

One of the aspects I particularly appreciate about this job is the opportunity to explain complex concepts. I enjoy breaking down ideas into easily understandable pieces and witnessing the “aha” moments of my interns.  Seeing their growth and progress throughout their internship journey is incredibly rewarding.


Did you have any “aha” moments of your own? 

Yes, quite a few. The best thing about Qubiz is the nurturing atmosphere and the opportunities to pursue a second specialisation or change roles. One of my “aha” moments was realising I wanted to do something besides Angular. 

At this company, I had the opportunity to switch projects and learn new technology by becoming a BI (Business Intelligence) specialist. I initially wanted to expand my technical skills when I took this opportunity. But with the mindset of BI, I now see software projects from a whole new perspective. Now I see how insights can drive business growth and improve decision-making in different departments.

What projects are you working on after finishing your day at Qubiz?

For the past few months, I've been working on my BA thesis. It's been challenging, but I'm glad I chose a topic that is close to my heart: Big Data. When you get right down to it, the thesis is just another opportunity to put my BI knowledge to good use.

I conducted in-depth research, analyzed large data sets, and used data processing techniques to gain meaningful insights. By exploring the field of Big Data, I wanted to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations that can help make informed business decisions.

Working on this project was an exciting journey as it allowed me to push the boundaries of my knowledge, experiment with cutting-edge tools and technologies, and deepen my understanding of the potential applications of Big Data in various industries.

Anything you’d like to add?

Juggling my job and schoolwork has been made possible by my team's incredible support and encouragement. They have been by my side during crucial moments, and their unwavering support has meant a lot to me. I am grateful for their help and support, which have allowed me to balance my commitments effectively.

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