What is CSR and why it's important to us?

According to Wikipedia, "corporate social responsibility (abbreviated CSR) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR aims to embrace responsibility for corporate actions and to encourage a positive impact on the environment and stakeholders including consumers, employees, investors, communities, and others."We'll start right off by saying that we're constantly investing in CSR events and it's a very important part of who we are. Moreover, within the last 5 years, we have been involved in many social activities, dedicated especially to children from foster homes or who have special needs. In other words, Qubiz made a tradition from giving something back to the local community - usually around the Christmas holidays, but also during the year. For instance, every year we want to bring joy to the children from Ineu Foster Home (Ineu is a village located near our headquarters in Oradea) by singing Christmas carols together and by bringing them presents. This year, we brought them sweets, toys and clothes, and maybe equally important, we spent some time with them.

Our colleague, Simona, who was responsible for organising all these activities (with our colleagues' help, of course), shared her thoughts about her experience: "We've been doing this for some years now and I can say that nothing compares with the satisfaction I feel when I see the joy of these children! They really need us. After all these years, we feel that a special bond has been created between us and the kids at Ineu. We're not just some unknown benefactors to them; they know us and always welcome us with a hug! This year they waited for us dressed in nice clothes and even served us with homemade doughnuts. I'm also glad that so many of my colleagues have been involved in this social activity. They helped preparing the gifts and some of them went to visit these children. I was happy to see their proactive involvement… It's a joy than cannot be described in words!"

So what is there to add? We're happy this CSR project went very well this year and we'll surely continue to do this in the coming years.

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