We won industry's R&D Program of the Year Award

The Software and Services Industry Employers Association (ANIS) organised the 6th annual Awards Gala, where it recognises companies that have excelled in various areas of business. This edition saw applications from 50 different companies that have submitted 74 projects in total. Among these companies we saw names such as Bitdefender, Adobe, Endava and the Orange Foundation.The Award for R&D Project of the Year went to Qubiz.

R&D Award ceremony speech

Our project leverages powerful computer vision algorithms in order to detect scenes within live broadcasts and remove certain segments before publishing the broadcast recording for on-demand consumption. The primary use case we helped implement was the automatic removal of commercial breaks from live broadcast recordings, allowing on-demand video to be published without advertising interruptions.The project is still ongoing, with the prospect of being launched in a couple of months. We're aiming to be able to have the recording ready instantly after the live broadcast ends. Currently it requires a human user to verify whether the segmentation is correct and make small adjustments when necessary. As the algorithm becomes more experienced over time, it will be able to work completely autonomously, saving even more time spent on manual video editing.Other contenders for this award were Adobe, Druid and MedicAI, who all had some cool projects as well. We're humbled and extremely grateful to the jury selected by ANIS for their decision to select Qubiz for the R&D Project of the Year award.We have been investing considerable resources over the years in experimenting with cutting-edge technologies. Most of our long-term clients know this as we're continuously looking for and presenting ways to improve their business operations through better technology. We usually start with a small pilot project that sometimes presents incredible return on investments and becomes a full-fledged project that performs a critical function for the long-term.Since 2008, Qubiz has been building new products and software solutions that help small, medium and large companies grow and reach their technological potential. In the last few years, we’ve dedicated an important section of our business to innovation. We believe that technology is here to stay and the sooner we learn how to successfully leverage it, the better outcomes our businesses will have.

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