A new training programme starts at Qubiz this autumn

This autumn, at Qubiz, we started a training programme encompassing several courses that aim, among other things, to refine our soft skills. This training programme is part of the Qubiz Academy series and will stretch until the next spring.

The courses we’ll attend to comprise the following topics:

  • Communication
  • Attitude and Personal Development
  • Efficiency - Time Management
  • Intrapreneurial Mentality
  • Conflict Management
  • Basic Business Understanding
  • Stress Management
  • Global Work Ethics and Social Responsibility

All of them are exclusively addressed to the Qubiz team.

These trainings, will be held by Sebastian Vaduva, PhD and Dean at the Griffiths School of Management, Emanuel University of Oradea, and our colleague and HR Manager, Cristian Masaric, who’s been a professional trainer for more more than 4 years.

Also, for the leadership team we have a second set of courses on personal and team motivation, agile leadership, recruitment and more.

The purpose of these training courses is to provide practical advice and information to our colleagues, so that they can improve their professional and personal lives. In addition, and very importantly, we want to help our newer colleagues adapt to our company culture, so there’s less friction and a happier work environment.

by Alina

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