Tour de Qubiz! Today visiting: "Onisifor Ghibu" high school students

We have been recently visited by the students at the "Onisifor Ghibu" high school from Oradea. More than 30 pupils, together with their computer science teacher, Mr. Lukács Sándor, had the chance to learn a few things about our company culture, our way of working with our clients, the employee benefits our company offers, but more importantly, about the more-than-just-work-mates relationships that form between our work colleagues.


We, on the other hand, were pleasantly surprised by their insightful questions and positive feedback. For instance:

  • "I am glad to have this opportunity to visit Qubiz. I really enjoyed the speakers’ presentations, from which I've learnt some interesting things that will surely help me in the future."
  • "I appreciate the work atmosphere and the way your colleagues collaborate with each other."
  • "Qubiz is an attractive company and its projects are also very interesting. I would be delighted to work for this company"
  • "I like the fact that cooperation and team organisation are two essential notions at Qubiz"

At the end of the presentation, Mr. Lukacs shared his impressions with us. He said he's impressed by the way Qubiz functions and the way our colleagues develop their skills continuously. He also suggested that we should extend our company presentation to other local high schools.

For us it was an enjoyable experience as well, and seeing their enthusiasm towards the IT field has given us hope for the future of Romanian IT.

Our colleague, Razvan, who was also a student at "Onisifor Ghibu" high school (and in fact learnt computer science in Mr. Lukacs' class), was proud to see the pupils' lively interest towards IT. He was also happy to see his former teacher's appreciation for his professional achievements.

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