‘Tis the season to give back

At Qubiz we strongly believe in helping others. It starts from the inside, with our colleagues. We help them by getting them into a position in which they can do their best work. Next, our colleagues help our clients through the software solutions they build, test and deliver. This, in turn, helps our company grow.And yet, for us, helping others isn’t restricted to the office or to working hours. No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is part of a continent. That applies at a company level too. We’re not on our own, we’re part of a community - both in Oradea and in Cluj-Napoca.Just being present there isn’t enough: we like to give back and support our community. That’s why each December we help out families and children in need.

What we did this holiday season

Together we managed to collect a fair amount of clothing, toys, money, and 3 computers - we're in IT after all, right?. Davanti, one of our dearest clients, said they want to join in. So they flew in on Monday morning (Romania’s not that far after all) with two large suitcases - 60 kg of sweets, games and other gifts.The weeks preceding Christmas was the perfect time to make some kids happy!Wednesday at noon, we visited two schools for children with special needs bearing gifts: a computer, games, notebooks and sweets. In the evening, about 30 of us visited Fundatia Emanuel, a placement center for abandoned children in Ineu. We prepared gifts for them too: 2 computers, music instruments (guitar, drums), clothing, games, sweets and… some carols - check out the video:

Besides children, we also help out families in need with food and supplies purchased from the money we collected.A lot of thanks go to Simo as well as to all our colleagues involved. They managed to organize the operation very well, not to mention the after-hours rehearsals that made a bunch of IT people into professional carolers! Thank you!!!Now back to you. Want to join us next year? Drop us a line and we’ll figure something out.

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