Tips and tricks for a stress-free work environment

It is well known that when people feel good, they function effectively and perform well. However, there are many factors (internal or external) that can influence our state of mind and, implicitly, our productivity.

We have gathered here for you, 8 steps that you can take into account to have a pleasant working environment. 

1. Find your own routine

…before and after work.

Wake up early! Exercise! Have something that you like for breakfast or dinner! Walk to the office! Spend the evening with your loved ones! Whatever you choose for a routine, stick to it! It can boost your energy and give you peace of mind.

2. Keep an organized desk

A tidy desk helps your mind feel free and ready for action, because visually, the information gets clear and orderly to the brain. You could do the same with your (digital) desktop! 

Do you like having colorful office containers, different writing tools and other accessories on your desk? Or do you  prefer a free workspace without too many distractions? No matter what suits you, a personal touch of your desk can give you a familiar feeling that will improve your good mood!

3. Be aware of the position of your body

When you have a job that involves sitting for many hours, the spine is the most affected by an incorrect position. The key to enjoying the time spent at your desk is making sure you sit comfortably in your chair. 

That means you need to have support for your lower back. For example, a firm lumbar pillow, like one made of memory foam, shaped in a suitable way for the spine could be a savior.

Also, an adjustable or a standing desk, like those we have at Qubiz have many benefits far outweigh a traditional desk. You’ll likely experience less back pain and fatigue. 

4. Take breaks 

Breaks can help you to get your attention from a problem that you may not be able to solve because you are too focused on a certain aspect of it. It could be helpful if you would include some relaxation or stretching exercises for your muscles, joints, or other tensioned points in the body. Even 10 minutes of walking helps you to relax when you need it.

5. Keep your eyes healthy

One thing you may not have considered is how the blue light that’s emitted from your computer can irritate your eyes and interfere with your sleep. Keep a pair of blue-light blocking glasses nearby, so you don’t strain your sight. 

Moreover, artificial lights are harmful to those who work beneath them. Reducing stress at work is largely about creating an environment that is as natural as possible and suits your biology. The perfect way to do this is by getting exposure to natural light. Our offices have large windows through which can enter as much light as possible.

6. Be an effective communicator

Poor communication often causes confusion (and therefore, stress) in the office. Ask questions, make suggestions and be open to give and receive feedback.

If you’re stressed out by a coworker or another person you should collaborate with, we suggest you find a way to effectively communicate your concerns. If they know their actions are causing you stress, they might be willing to do something different next time.

7. Learn to manage interruptions

If you make an effort to learn how to properly handle these interruptions or ignore distractions in the workplace, you could significantly decrease your level of stress. 

Learn to prioritize your tasks, so that you do not lag behind and feel overwhelmed. 

Another approach is the Pomodoro method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a timer to break work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. You can read more about it here.

8. Adapt quickly to changes

Does change make you anxious? If your workplace sees a lot of turnover, physical changes (office layout), or new software or technology (printers, computers, programs etc.), you’ll have to learn to adapt quickly. 

And yes, it can be overwhelming at first, but do you know what’s the best way to adapt to changes? By going through them! At least, that’s what psychologists claim. 

What strategies do you use to avoid feeling stressed when you work? Please, share them with us in the comments!

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