The Summer Camp of '15

As you already might know, Summer Camps have become a tradition at Qubiz. Every summer we "fly" to a mountain resort together with our families and clients to relax and strengthen the ties between us. This year, we asked Adrian, one of our colleagues, to share his impressions from the trip, as well as what Summer Camps mean to him. His narrative reads as follows:

It was a couple weeks ago when we all got on two buses (we don't fit into just one bus) that took us to our long-awaited destination: Vama, Satu Mare. Despite the heat, that morning we were all happy, relaxed, and ready for our Summer Camp. Some of us also brought their bikes because we wanted to explore the Maramures region, which is quite close to the Satu Mare County.

Once there, we formed small groups and had our lunch outside, picnic-style. Each of us brought all kinds of homemade stuff, cold cuts, canned food, veggies, you name it, which we all shared. The weather was already very hot, so we had a lot of water - or beer for that matter, each with their own preferences.

Qubiz Summer Camp 2015

While many of my colleagues remained nearby the hotel, relaxing on the grass, swimming, or biking to a nearby lake, I decided to go for a longer journey, to the famous Merry Cemetery in Săpânţa [sir-pn-tsah], Maramureş [mah-rah-moo-resh] County. It was one of my dreams to ride my bike through Maramures… During my 90 km trip I've seen many cool things, among which the well-known commune of Certeze with its grandiose houses, lots of bleating sheeps - and lots of big-mouthed shepherd dogs that almost ate me. I've also seen the Tisa River, which forms a natural border between Romania and Ukraine.

The Merry Cemetery impressed me profoundly. If you read the stories on the wooden tombstones you might smile or even laugh, but you can't not to get a bit sad - it's a cemetery after all…

By the time I’ve returned to the hotel, my colleagues were already dining so I hurried up to eat my well-deserved portion. Right after the supper, each of us got a super cool laptop backpack from Qubiz.

The following morning, after we had breakfast, we gathered together to play our team building games: "ski touring" on grass, in tandem, pulling the rope, jumping in the sack race, human foosball, and paintball, of course. Each game was fun, pretty exhausting and very well organised.

In the evening, when the scorching heat softened a bit, a team of 15 took their bikes to Luna Şes, a beautiful village nearby. I've never ridden along with so many cyclists, except for the competitions I participated in, but I enjoyed this trip greatly!

Qubiz Summer Camp 2015

Finally, after dinner back at our hotel, we gathered around a big bonfire chattering, drinking and laughing…

Qubiz Summer Camp 2015

Just like nothing that's good lasts forever, on the third day we had to embark on our buses (or cars) and return to our home cities.

As this was my first Summer Camp with the Qubiz Team, I can say that I had a wonderful time, and that it was the perfect occasion to talk to my colleagues and get to know them better. Truth is that as we have grown so fast lately is very hard to get in touch with everyone, so events like this are very welcome when it comes to socialising… Personally, however, I enjoyed the bike rides above all!

That being said, I can't wait for the next Qubiz trip, when instead of the warmth of the summer I will feel the freezing cold of the winter. I'm talking about our annual Winter Camp, which usually takes place in Jasna, a ski resort in Slovakia.

See more pictures on our Facebook page.

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