Sweet memories from our Summer Camp 2011

Between 16-18th of July, the Qubiz team and their guests participated in the second Summer Camp, which was actually a 3 day brainstorming, fun and relaxing time.

Summer Camp 2011's destination was Fantanele, a Romanian resort, located at 1050 m altitude, in the village of Rasca from Cluj County, between Vladeasa and Gilau mountains, on the shores of Fantanele Lake. The resort is sought mainly for rest and relaxation.

During these days, activities such as: paintball, team-building games, kayaking, biking and sumo were on our to-do list. We also did some hiking enjoying the good weather and the fact that we were all together.

At the end of our journey, we kept our beautiful memories and got some nice feedback from our guests:

“Clay-disk shooting, paintball, but also the more in-depth talks we had - meeting each other not only at a professional, but also at a personal level.” - Fred Kwakkel, Qubiz NL

“I enjoyed being with all of the Qubiz people. Providing the training, in-depth talks, kayaking, claydisk shooting, hiking (on Monday), the food and the hospitality”. - Hans Hamhuis, Mitch Partners

“To meet each other in a nice atmosphere. Doing things with each other means for me, writing history together. You learn from each other and learn to know each other in another way than work. It gives you (more) feedback and understanding of someone's behavior when you know the background of a person.” - Ruud de Vries, Leger des Hiles

As a conclusion, we think this was a great experience for us to know each other better , to share knowledge, to work in teams for our activities in a great and friendly atmosphere.

Taking a short look in the past, in 2010, we had similar team buildings, such as: Summer Camp, Winter Camp and others. On both camps the whole Qubiz Team had participated together with guests: partners and clients from the Netherlands. We learned a lot from all these experiences and are looking forward to the future ones.

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