Summer Camp 2018: The 10 Year Anniversary Edition

We've been going toSummerCampssince2010, so this year marks its 8th edition. 8 doesn't sound too round or festive? Well, how about 10?Yes, this year we marked 10 years of Qubiz and with this occasion we wanted our Summer Camp to be special. The HR and Qubiz overall didn't spare any effort to achieve this, and in the end, our colleagues and loved ones were spoiled with a fantastic long weekend full of surprises, fun activities (more on this later), and relaxation.Pics or it didn't happen!

To Arsenal Park for the third time in a row!

We like Arsenal Park, but this wasn't the reason why we chose the location for the third time in a row. The truth is, our Cluj & Oradea offices combined account for 170+ colleagues. And then we invited our partners and kids, resulting in an astonishing figure of 282 people. Arsenal Park is among the few locations that can accommodate such a big number of tourists. Here's what 282 people look like:

When we say fun, it spells FUN

All our Summer Camps were fun, no question about that. We always had the now classic activities such as swimming, paintball, archery, flying fox and more. However, for this one, we wanted to pump up the fun by partnering up with Ascendis, a consultancy specializing in team building. What they needed to do is organize a bunch of novel activities to bring us all together. And they did just that:

The percussion course

Who said IT guys can't drum? With this bold percussion teacher we had, we managed to create complex drum patterns in no time. And in sync! See how cool we looked:

The flash mob

You thought percussion is a challenge? How 'bout some synchronized dancing?

The BIG painting

OK, OK, you might say that anybody can dance and drum (even if badly) with some exercise. But how about painting a cityscape? Now that sounds difficult!For this feat, we formed 18 teams, each of them having the task of painting a piece of the final picture, which in the end had to look something like this photo of a crossbred between Oradea and Cluj:

Tough! Let's see the process:

And the result... *drumrolls*:

Whoa! We really made that!

The get-together ceremony

After dinner, we got together in an amphitheater for the 10 years of Qubiz ceremony. There we had a percussion + dancing session, a speech by our CEO, the day's film, the uncovering of the painting, and PRESENTS!

The presents

I mentioned presents. As a Summer Camp tradition, we prepared some presents for our colleagues, but this time, besides cool things like t-shirts and slick laptop backpacks, we gave them a book called The Book of Firsts. In it, you can see what happened during our 10-year history. I'd like to show it to you, but it's for insiders only!

The party

The night continued with a wild party that lasted until near dawn. At the mixing set, we had none other than DJ Shiver. The party looked like this:

In lieu of a conclusion

As a conclusion, this was the best Summer Camp ever and the feedback from our colleagues was generally very positive! Thanks Qubiz, and especially the organizing team, for this wonderful event!

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