Startup Weekend Oradea - an event no entrepreneur should miss

"Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups."

This is the first edition of Startup Weekend Oradea and we’re really happy that Qubiz is involved as a sponsor in this event! Read on...

Startup Weekend Oradea

Startup Weekend in Oradea, a place where ideas take shape

The event will take place between 29 and 31 August 2014, at the University of Oradea Library, and aims to teach young people how to create successful startups. The concept is implemented in more than 100 countries, including Romania. In fact, Startup Weekend takes place in several Romanian cities, such as Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Mures, and now, Oradea.

Starting on Friday, the participants will pitch their ideas in front of the jury for one minute. After all the ideas get presented the best ones will be picked. Then, each selected idea’s owner is allowed to form a team that will help them develop the project.

…And the fun begins!

For the next 54 hours, each team will start from the core idea, discussing the most workable ways to build the project is such a short time. During this process, they are guided by a highly experienced coach. At the end of the weekend, each team will present their progress and will receive feedback on how to improve their project in the future.

Oradea has become an IT cluster, providing great business opportunities for IT professionals - and this kind of events only prove this point.

About the participants

A minimum of 50 people will attend the event - a mix of developers (45% of the total participants), designers (15%) and business/marketing/non-technical professionals (35%).

The average age of the participants is somewhere between 25 and 35, they are well prepared from a technical standpoint and they probably love cool gadgets. They surf the web all day, and photography may be one of their hobbies. If they’re like us, they should love to travel and practice some sort of sport. They are early adopters and like to try out new things, are proactive, optimists and competitive. They always look for a way to make their life easier and try to innovate in all the ways possible.

Andrei Cosmin Munteanu, one of the organisers, who also organises Coder Dojo Oradea, says: "It will be a very energetic event, where young people will have the chance to be remarkable. They can come with new ideas, work in teams, being assisted by mentors with a lot of experience in the field".

The participants will receive a welcome package, they will also have lunch included, drinks and coffee for the whole weekend. The official language of this event is English.

More details about this event are on the event’s website:

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