End of the Spring Internship - an interview with our four interns

Gyula, Peter, Catalin and Mircea became our newest colleagues after the first .NET internship in 2014 in Qubiz. It was a 6 weeks internship based on .NET, where they used Scrum as project methodology. They have implemented an application that allows users to register their worked hours: every day, every week or at the end of each month. This app is very welcomed in Qubiz and it will be used internally for now. We wanted to “hear” more from them after succeeding in this internship and we found out interesting things that we want to share here.

Which were your expectations regarding this internship at the beginning of it and how did you manage to achieve them at the end of it?

  • Mircea: I expected to be a challenging internship and it was. I was also surprised by the fact that we achieved your expectations. We understood we can adapt to the clients’ needs.
  • Peter: I wanted to learn new things in a professional way and I managed to do that.
  • Catalin: I wanted to learn, because learning at home is not the same thing as learning in an IT company. And yes, I learned a lot during this internship.
  • Gyula: I wanted to learn. And I also understood that it is very different when someone gives you tasks and after that he helps you versus when you try to do something by yourself.

What did you like the most in this internship and what would you have liked to be different?

  • Peter: I liked our team and our support team, those who helped us during this internship. I liked the atmosphere in the company, that people come to work, they are passionate about what they do, they talk between them. Everything was fine for me.
  • Gyula: I liked Mrs. Product Owner, she did a good job and she helped us a lot before the demo offering us different tips and tricks. In Qubiz, I like the atmosphere in the company, the way things happen, we are not working as robots, if we had issues in the project we could ask our “mentors”. It was good like that.
  • Catalin: I liked the atmosphere, the fact that I always had support from the others. We helped each other and I also enjoyed the team buildings.
  • Mircea: I liked the atmosphere, the mentality and the principles the company is based. The opinion of the others is very important, I liked that proactivity is a main thing, I liked the small surprises and the benefits in Qubiz. I also appreciate the way that the employees are encouraged to do sports, offering them various benefits such as financial support for buying bikes and so on. I also enjoyed the fact that the mentors dedicated a lot of time to help us with creating the application.

Which was the part of the application you implemented and how would you describe working in a team?

  • Mircea: For me, working in a team was a real challenge. There were cases when nobody from the team knew how to solve a problem, but being together was easier and in the end, we managed to find the needed solutions. I was in charge with the authentication part of the application. There were two types of authentication: Forms and Windows, and it automatically chooses the right one.
  • Catalin: I was in charge with the backend part of the application. At the beginning I studied tutorials and then I was in charge with adding and editing the projects entities, with validations, bug fixing and CSS. Working in a team was a challenge, because I didn’t know how to do that, but I learned and I enjoyed working with my team.
  • Gyula: I worked a lot with jQuery, front-end scripting and the functionalities in the main screen. Working in team was a great experience, due the fact that while working in a team during the university projects it is very different than working in a team in an IT company. Here, we helped each other. I also enjoyed the flexible schedule that allowed us also to attend our university courses.
  • Peter: I was in charge with data saving, changing between employees if you are an admin. I worked also on database, saving in the DB, extracting from DB and the jQuery part was also my side. In the end, I can say I enjoyed working in this team, we really helped each other.

If you could recommend an internship in Qubiz, which are the 3-5 words you would say to your colleagues or your friends?

  • Gyula: flexible schedule, there is always someone you can ask when you have questions. And one more thing “Google is your best friend whenever you need it”
  • Peter: atmosphere in the company, the way we helped each other by sharing experience and knowledge, the fun part and ... the cakes .
  • Mircea: If you are intending to learn to program, this is where you will learn it. The main qualities one needs to have are ambition and willingness to learn, to grow also as professional and personal. There is always a new perspective, you can choose between testing or database, not only .NET programming. I liked also working with Scrum and … the good cakes :)
  • Catalin: flexible schedule so you can also attend your university classes, the fact taht you can practice what you had already learned. Now, for me it’s easier to learn programming languages.

In the end, we can conclude that we are glad that we had our interns in the Qubiz team and we look forward to our new internships!


by Alina

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