Sports at Qubiz in 2014

In 2014 we are continuing the good habits from last year, when we wanted to have in Qubiz a focus also on a healthy life.

June was for sure the most active month for us related to sports due to our participations in sport competitions: from biking and running to swimming for a humanitarian cause.

1. Baile Felix Trail Race 2014 - at the beginning of June, we took part in this competition. Our colleagues ran in the 5km and 10km individual races.

2. We later took part in Duathlon Offroad Bihor 2014 at Kings Land, Bihor, where the sport events were about biking and running.

3. At the end of the month, we wanted to get involved in a humanitarian cause event, therefore our colleagues attended Swimathon Oradea 2014.

Swimathon provides motivation and a personal challenge to swimmers nationwide. It also offers a goal to train for, a target to achieve and a great cause to support. - Duncan Goodhew MBE, Olympic gold medallist, London 2012 Ambassador and Swimathon President.Swimathon is a fundraising event organised also in Romania in cities such as: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Targu-Mures, Oradea, Bacau, Ploiesti. The event gives companies, various NGO’s or regular people the opportunity to get involved and support different initiatives/causes/projects. For sure, it was a special event for us and we are happy we could be part of it.

4. The Company Triathlon 2014 -> last, but not least, where we had a team which swam, rode the bike and ran for Qubiz. We are proud of them, they won a very good place (8/23 competitors).

triatlon 1

5. At the end, we are glad we could also sponsor the baby-basketball team from U - Mobitelco Cluj-Napoca, in their competitions from the end of June.


A healthy life continues to be of high importance in Qubiz, we hope in the future to take part in other sport competitions and be able to keep a good work-life balance.

by Alina

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