The Qubiz Team is involved in CSR activities

This summer and autumn we wanted to bring a smile on the faces of the children from the Ineu Foster Home.

In August we made a trip to the Foster Home in Ineu, a village about 15 km from Oradea, where 20 wonderful children live. We have been visiting them for the last 4 years, before each Christmas, and now we wanted to get closer to them.

On a lovely Sunday, a part of the Qubiz team spent the entire afternoon playing, having fun and making pancakes with the kids.

Although we were the ones making the visit to bring smiles on their faces and trying to offer them a few hours of joy, in the end the Qubiz Team was the one who received more back - there is no greater comfort than to be able to bring happiness to children. We have every intent to make this action a precedent and find new opportunities in the future to help them.

“I enjoyed spending time with the children, they feel so important when someone makes time to discuss and play with them.” - Simona

“I had a great time at Ineu. It was a good experience for the kids to have someone new to play with, but also for me, I was able to play again the games from my childhood. The children were very glad to have us there and they wanted us stay as long as we could. It was a lot of fun.” - Adriana

“Playing with them made me realise that they need someone to look up to, someone who would inspire them to achieve more. Something that made me smile was that every time they found one of us not busy, they would hug us. And man they loved hugging. :) “ - Raul


And the story continues!

We saw in the coming school season an opportunity to give back to the local community.The Ineu Foster Home, a Kindergarten and two schools from Oradea were the places we visited and where we offered the children some useful things for their starting school.

The schools and kindergarten we visited are attended by children with a difficult background or suffering from various chronic diseases. Most of them need special attention, but the schools cannot afford to pay all the supplies. The Qubiz Team offered to provide the supplies for one class at each of these education institutions.

All these experiences made us remember how easy it is to help others, but at the same time how much impact you can have in someone’s life. For sure, this social responsibility action was just a starting point.

We are very happy that we could contribute and bring smiles on their faces, and we are looking forward to the other social activities that we will have in the future. One will be very soon, during the winter holidays.

(More photos on our Facebook Page)

by Alina


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