A short(ish) overview of the CSR activities we carried out in 2015

Every year we try to play a positive role in our local community through the CSR activities we organise, the educational projects we're involved in, and through our sponsorships and donations. As you will find out, by corporate social responsibility we understand far more than just being compliant with the spirit of the law or employing high ethical standards.We are very happy to be in the position to say that in 2015, several local and international organisations have benefited from our CSR actions, among which there are NGO's, children of all ages, students, and people with special needs. We'll try to list all of them here, with Ioana's help, one of our colleagues that have been directly involved in these actions.

Q: Ioana, we understand that 2015 was a busy year in terms of our CSR activities. Before we go through all of them, tell us how do you feel about last year?

[Ioana]: It was certainly a busy year, both inside and outside the company, because we really wanted to get more involved in the community by supporting various NGOs, children with special needs, students, and sports organisations - it is already well-known that at Qubiz we promote sports and the idea of healthy lifestyle.

Q: Can you tell us something about the organisations that have received support from Qubiz?

I: There are more than 10 of them and they are from pretty different areas. Qubiz helped them in various ways, depending on their needs:

  • We helped CoderDojo Oradea:
  • by sponsoring the participation of 8 children at an international software competition in Ireland - CoderDojo Coolest Projects;
  • by sponsoring local meetings for children who want to learn programming;
  • through the voluntary involvement of some of our colleagues as trainers who teach children to code.
  • We tied a partnership with Incubator107, and together we held two free IT courses called Introduction to the Art of Programming for programming enthusiasts. The trainers were developers from our company, the course being held at our headquarters.
  • We sponsored 4 students and a professor from Oradea University to participate in the Hard & Soft 2015 contest from Suceava.
  • We helped Emanuil Gojdu National College:
  • through a partnership that sought to support several informatics contests in Oradea;
  • by supporting 5 of their students so that they could participate in an international IT contest in the USA.
  • We sponsored Probikers, a local sports association that organises various biking competitions and promotes the use of bicycles in everyday life.
  • Every year we offer financial support for Andrei Oros, a student from Oradea who participates in multiple local, national and international biking competitions, winning a bunch of them each year.
  • We supported Xterra, a local organisation which coordinates the annual running competition called Oradea City Running Day. In the past 4 years, many of our colleagues participated in this competition, some of them winning the podium.
  • We helped the CSEI Cristal, a school centre for children with special needs, by providing them with specific equipment needed in working with them.
  • With the children from Ineu Foster Home we have already created a special connection! In the past 4 years we have visited them, we have brought them presents, and we have had various social activities with them, including going to movies, singing Christmas carols and more.
  • Our colleagues organised themselves to collect clothes, food and money for several impoverished families.
  • Our colleagues regularly donate blood for the Blood Transfusion Centre in Oradea. The meal vouchers they receive as compensation are being given away to families with a precarious financial situation.
  • We supported Oradea Community Foundation by participating in Swimathon, a fundraising event where companies, organisations, and individuals can conduct fundraising campaigns to support initiatives/causes/projects for the community. Our colleagues swam for two social causes.

Q: It truly was a full year! Did we receive some feedback from them?

I: Yes, of course, they are happy to have supporters like us. Some of them mentioned Qubiz as sponsors, online or in "real life" - for instance CoderDojo Oradea and Probikers.

Q: So to be clear, we won't stop here; it is more of a continuous thing that will happen in 2016 as well...

I: Yes, indeed. We already had a first event that we sponsored this year: the Byron concert, which took place at the Oradea Philharmony in February. Next will be the JazzyBit concert in March.Of course, we have many other CSR actions in mind for this year, some continuing the ones from previous years, but also some new ones. We will announce them at the right time!

Q: And there is one more thing...

I: Yes! Due to all the CSR activities we had last year, Qubiz was nominated at the CSR Gala organised by Oradea Community Foundation, a local NGO. The CSR Gala is an event awarding companies from the Bihor county for their CSR activities during a year. We are honoured by the nomination and as we'll continue to give back to the community, maybe we'll be among the winners this year, although it's not the main thing that motivates us to do what we do.

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