Introducing Big Data capabilities at Qubiz

For the last couple of years, Big Data has constantly been on the most significant technologies list. And it's pretty important to understand why.

Why Big Data?

Big Data is powerful because it can create a lot of targeted information from an awful lot of diverse, mixed and somewhat unstructured data.For companies, Big Data means accurate, detailed business data that translate into improved operational performance. Upper management can use Big Data insights to improve forecasts and decision making. Big Data can also reveal new market segments, and spark ideas for new products and services.What's more, its applications can impact almost any sector: healthcare, manufacturing, retail, media, etc.

Introducing Scalar Data

We believe that our clients would benefit a lot from big data. While we do have extensive experience with Business Intelligence solutions, Big Data is something more than that. In order to provide excellent Big Data solutions, we needed a partner with considerable knowledge in the field. Here is where Scalar Data comes in.Scalar Data provides solutions and consulting services for business intelligence, Big Data and IoT projects. It employs both open-source technologies such as Hadoop, along with proprietary software to deliver innovative, reliable Big Data projects. Besides that, Scalar Data also provides Big Data training modules for Hadoop and Apache Spark.Combining Scalar Data capabilities with Qubiz’s will enable both companies to deliver even more powerful custom software solutions and to further help companies grow their businesses.

About Scalar Data co-founders

Scalar Data was co-founded by Ronald Span and Peter Langela in September 2016.Ronald Span has over 20 years experience in various national and international IT projects and companies such as Magic Software Enterprises and cimt bv. During this time, he has held many roles ranging from development to consultancy, pre-sales and business development.Scalar Data co-founder, Peter Langela has had different positions in sales, marketing, general management, project management and IT with companies in the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey. Overall, he has over 30 years experience in IT.What does all this mean for your business? How can Big Data help you? Well, stop wondering - contact us today to find out.

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