Qubiz team at Discover Bihor Off-Road Triathlon

Qubiz was represented at the Discover Bihor Off-Road Triathlon by 2 colleagues who competed at the individual Sprint track (2 people), another two who competed at the Olympic track, and by a team of 3 colleagues at the Sprint Company Challange track.You can find the technical details about the competition hosted by the picturesque Kings Land Ineu on the official website, so we’re not going to bore you with this. Instead, we’ve asked the participants to share their thoughts and impressions.

Cristian C. (22 years old) – Sprint Company Challenge track (team): “The triathlon of companies was my first bicycle race. The coolest part was that I formed a team with two colleagues from Qubiz. Instead of waiting for me at the finish line (to start the running part), they motivated me and helped me give my best, especially at the final. One of the lessons I learned is that I have to train more before the next competition?

Lóránd (27) – Sprint Company Challenge track (team): “This event was a real challenge for me. It was the first triathlon I attended – I was the swimmer of the team. After the first 100 meters, I got used to not see anything in the water, so I concentrated on competing in a fair way, to avoid hurting my competitors by mistake. I’ve felt disoriented like 3-4 times, but still, I managed to grab the 7th place. I am very happy that I participated in this event.”Andrei G. (30) – Sprint Company Challenge track (team): “For me, this race was not only my first triathlon but also the first sports event that I participated at. I think that I can speak in the name of the whole team when I say that our focus was not the gold medal, but the team spirit and the joy of participation. The location was a great choice, and the overall organization left me with a positive impression. I’m looking forward to seeing many more events of this kind in Bihor county and I would like to participate at as many as (humanly) possible”

Tibi (31) – Olympic track (individual): “For me, this competition was the race of firsts: my first individual triathlon, my first (competitive ) swim in a lake, and my first off-road run. With so much novelty, in my case, the competition was more against the timer and not the other participants. My goal was to finish the race within 4 hours, and I’m very proud that I succeeded. The strangest moments were when I finished a sport and started another one – I felt that I won’t be able to continue, but those thoughts were gone in a couple of minutes. Overall, the triathlon was good training for the longer races that I have in mind for the next two years.”

Jozsef (41) – Sprint track (individual): “I’m glad that this event has a junior track – my children really enjoyed it and I’m proud of them? I like that I can involve them at a very young age. I want to thank the organizers for their patience and helping attitude. I noticed that they were careful, and didn’t stress the competitors. I’m glad that after a hiatus of a couple of years, this triathlon was rebooted. I hope that more and more people will participate in the future. For example, the Sprint variant is suited even for those who exercise only once or twice a week.”

Istvan (42) – Olympic (individual): “I’d like to give a shoutout to my mountain-rescue friends from the organization team – they did a great job. Xterra Sport Bihor is an established name in the triathlon world on the national and even international stage. It’s not a surprise that there were participants from Cluj, Timişoara, Alba Iulia, Sfântu Gheorghe, Bucharest, Târgu-Mureş, Reșița, Bistrița, and many other cities. Regarding the contest, It was a competitive race and a good opportunity to test our physical and mental stamina. It was great that my girls could also compete in the junior category. “

Cristian H. (45) – Sprint (individual) “I almost finished within the regular time (three hours) with all three sports: swimming, biking, running. So I can congratulate myself at least for the accuracy of my estimates: neither pessimistic nor optimistic. After a closer analysis of my performance can say that it was a mistake to pedal from Oradea to Ineu in order to get comfortable with my colleague’s bike. So, although the swim went smoothly (I finished at the same time with the winner of my age category), pedaling on a slope “paved” with unstable rocks was too exhausting for me. As a result, biking through the forest took more time than I expected, and I had to run around noon when there were 33 degrees … It was really challenging, I had to resort to my psychic resources as well. The reward of my effort was the satisfaction of finishing within the regular time. But the most joyful moment was when my boy announced that he liked the race so much, that he decided to participate next year at the junior track.”

P.S. The organizer of the event – Xterra Sport Bihor – is also our technical partner for the 3rd edition of Qubiz Bike Ride, which will take place at Kings Land Ineu as well, on 12th of October.

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