Qubiz Team meeting, a moment of retrospective

The Qubiz Team Meeting is a moment, at every 6 months, when the whole company gets together in order to find out about the feedback from our clients since the previous meeting. What we clearly understood from them was that we are very committed to what we do, we deliver good quality and we communicate very well with them. Their testimonials are another confirmation of how they see us:

  • “What I like about Qubiz is that they are committed to the project and always eager to help us. They are very close to us - we visit each other, we work together, we have fun together - and that allows us to accomplish the end results as one team.” and “"Two days in Romania and again experienced how welcome Qubiz team makes me feel and that it is great to work with a committed team” - Hans Hamhuis, Director SimplyCare
  • “The Qubiz team helped us during a complex project, which had many parties involved. Thanks to their flexibility and leadership, we managed to achieve a result that with traditional project management methods would have been just impossible or way too expensive. ” - Richard van Hoorn, Chief Executive Officer, Media Alliantie
  • “I found that the analysts of Qubiz are skilled in grasping complex problems and turning them into well-fitting IT solutions.” - Jan Willem Kalkman, Information Manager, Leger des Heils

This company meeting was a moment when we found out more about:

  • the success points in the projects and they were shared with the team;
  • the lessons learned in the projects and how they were used for the new projects;
  • the on-going business;
  • the progress of the Project Management Team, the Technical Council and the Quality Assurance Council;
  • the new prospects;
  • the Qubiz Team’s performance.

It’s our second meeting this year and we always wanted to have a look at the previous meetings in order to compare them with the current results. This is the perfect way to compare what we had 6 months ago with what we have now .. and the good thing is that it is a permanent growth from one meeting to another, including here the commitment, the quality of what we deliver and the communication with the clients.

In conclusion, we can say that the Qubiz Team meeting - held also in Oradea and in Cluj offices - in November was again, for us, a moment of retrospective and a moment of looking forward to the future. Furthermore, this meeting brought us a lot of good news regarding the coming months, new projects and new colleagues are yet to come.

It was also a moment for celebration, an occasion when we all went together to play bowling and pool, have pizza and a lot of fun. As the team members said:

  • “It was very interesting due to the fact that we found out more about our partner’s ideas. He gave us details about how the business will envolve in the United Kingdom”
  • “It had a lot of interesting information”
  • “I really enjoyed the meeting”

For pictures from this event, please check out our Facebook page.

Another Qubiz Team meeting ended. Looking forward to the next Qubiz Team meeting, in April 2014.

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