Qubiz opened its doors once again to high school students

Qubiz's Open Doors has become a well-established tradition in our company since its first edition four years ago. During these years we've been visited by high school students, university students, and IT enthusiasts who want to learn more about Qubiz.

We usually organise these meetings during the "Şcoala Altfel" week, but sometimes these sessions are set up for the beginning of the academic year. The main purpose of these meetings is to get to know the future IT professionals of our city, answer their questions and offer them support and guidance.

Open Doors @Qubiz

This year we were visited by a group of students from Emanuil Gojdu High School, a well-regarded high school in Oradea. During the three days of the event, the 9th and 11th grade students from the Informatics specialisation together with their teacher, got the chance to learn about how our company works, about our culture, but also practical things like the qualities we're most interested in when we conduct job interviews, what roles and technical expertise are found in a typical agile team, the trends in the IT industry, and much more. They also found out that there are other kinds of specialists in an IT company besides programmers, software engineers, and testers.

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