Qubiz in my life

The journey started, this year, in the summertime, with the opportunity to participate in an internship. I accepted it without even blinking. From the first day at Qubiz, my opinion was taken into consideration and I felt welcomed. At that time I had no idea about startups, the IT business in Cluj or about recruitment. It was the first time I was given the opportunity to witness the early stage in a new branch’s development and to actively take part in it. I can honestly say that it is great to be part of something that is developing, to see something grow and to accumulate experience in your field.

My developer colleagues experience this with every new project they start working on and i think they have the similar feeling. The difference is that “the project” has to end at a given moment in time, while I have the chance to continue with my assignment for a longer period of time.Startups are for people who adapt easily, can and are not afraid to be creative, who always want to do more than just a small part of a project. I believe that the majority of people who are working in a company which is taking it’s first steps on the market have an entrepreneurial way of thinking. The things that one can find in a company like Qubiz, make you a complete professional, no matter the field you choose. You have so much more to do than just some little part at what you are good at. In my opinion in a “newborn” company or branch, one always feels how important he or she is in a project and sometimes in the development and growth of the business. This is something that you rarely find in a big corporation or in the public sector. Another important aspect is that people tend to fit together much more easily. Friendships are more easily built; the chance that this friendships continues outside the office is higher and this way the feeling of belonging somewhere is increased.My “coach” is someone who thinks that by doing it yourself you learn a lot more than by having someone to teach you. Thanks to this, I was able to find out more about the different technologies used in various companies from Cluj. I was able to do a research on the IT competition market from Cluj, on nearshoring and outsourcing. But one can’t minimize the important role of the guidance that I've received; it helped me a lot in discovering the right thing at the right moment.In the end, I really think that Qubiz fits to people and I am happy to feel that I fit to Qubiz. I look forward to new experiences in the new year !

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