Qubiz is National Public Champion for Romania

Who would have ever guessed that 7 weeks can go by so quickly?The 2nd stage of the 2016/2017 European Business Awards, where we competed for the National Public Champion, started on 6 January. Next thing after that, bam! it was the 23rd of February - one week to 1st of March, when the voting was scheduled to end. Puf, that’s 7 weeks to you.

Still, it was an awesome 7 weeks, and we want to tell you all about it.But - before we jump in, we would like to send a BIG/huge/enormous thank you to both our colleagues and to everyone who has voted for us - thank you for your support!

What happened behind the curtains

Now, here’s a snapshot of what went on backstage:

  • Our first Facebook post for the European Business Awards garnered 110 shares and 30 likes, reaching 14000 people. Usually, a post, without boosting it, reaches about 600 people - at best. That’s the first impressive thing.
  • The team at Ghid local Oradea wrote an article about us.
  • On 8th of February, we started a paid campaign on Facebook, targeting Cluj-Napoca and Oradea. The ads lead to out entry on the European Business Awards and reached about 94700 people. The ads generated 1620 reactions (like’s, love’s and wow’s), 160 shares, 3395 clicks and 170 new likes for our Facebook page. Of all, the ad featuring a video screenshot with our colleague Daiana was the most popular:

The results

All in all, on 1st of March, when the voting closed, we had 728 votes. Given that it was our first time in the competition and that the voting process wasn’t that simple (create account, confirm email address), we think that’s great.And this Monday, we received the good news: we won National Public Champion for Romania. Yoo-hoo! That means we're representing Romania in the competition for European Public Champion against the representatives of other 33 European countries.The second voting stage is already open and you can vote for Qubiz here: http://www.businessawardseurope.com/vote/detail-new/romania/21374

Once again, we would like to thank everyone: colleagues, friends, clients and anyone who has voted for us. None of this would have happened if it hadn’t been for you!Cheers to you!

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