Qubiz Connect goes Mobile

Here in Qubiz we believe in the power of people’s ideas that is why we bring people together and put our minds to work in order to come up with solutions to some of our everyday problems or improvements to services people are offered daily. To achieve these objectives which we’ve set for ourselves, we have been organizing for some time now events called Qubiz Connect.

The events are attended by people who work in the domain the event is focused on or they are just interested in the subject and have the confidence that they can add value to it. The final target for these events is creating joint ventures between Qubiz and the people attending, so that together we can make people’s lives better and add value to businesses.

On the 14th May we had such an event which was focused on mobile solutions ideas. The health-care sector has been offering in the past few years many opportunities to address needs through mobile solutions/devices.

If we were to look at what mobile technology can bring to the health-care sector we can quickly identify added value in diagnosis through mobile devices, access to medical records, risk management and incident handling training, prevention by consultations through mobile devices, study materials, self-medication management, measurements (e.g. blood pressure).

Why are all these possible now? Because you mobile phone can now handle such tasks, because your mobile device is small and portable, because inter-connectivity is now easier than ever and because communication and streaming gives you helps you do your job easier.

Another very important concern nowadays is the huge amount of resources that the human kind consumes every day. Mobile apps and devices can help us better manage how we use energy and of course help us save energy which will lead to lower cost of living and a more environment friendly life style.

The Qubiz Connect attendees were split into 2 groups, each of them brainstorming on solutions for one of the subject mentioned above.

First group took on the idea for an application to train employees how to deal with risk. They came up with ideas of simulating incidents that should then be presented in the mobile app. Some of the incidents they thought of would include.

  • Giving the patient the wrong medicine
  • Leaving the medicine container opened

Another idea they had was create some kind of in-app game which would have the user find what is wrong in a picture of a hospital room. One possible incident would be the bed not having its arms up.

One interesting feature the group thought of was to allow users to submit their own risks and share them with others, with moderation of course.

The second group took on the job of finding solutions for electrical energy saving. In the Netherlands people have in their homes smart meters that show them each appliance’s energy consumption, but these meters are somewhere on a wall. If there would be a mobile app to do the same thing, it would be handier for users to check it and take measures to instantly reduce their consumption.

The discussions as you can see resulted in ideas that could improve two important aspects of our lives. After the meeting we will continue working together to implement these ideas as soon as possible. Meanwhile we’re thinking of new subjects from other areas to discuss in the future Qubiz Connect and create new joint ventures to bring added value.

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