Qubiz Connect 29th Nov 2011 in Nijkerk

"Qubiz Connect" event is aiming to bring together people that can be its partners and members of the Qubiz team. Partnerships are a valuable asset for Qubiz due to its belief that they make the parties stronger and help them meet the clients' needs better. The event took place on the 29th of November 2011 in Nijkerk at Ampt van Nijkerk Hotel.In the first part of the event was presented the Qubiz consultancy partnerships, taking the case of a Healthcare provider as example. The second part was a brainstorm session in which Qubiz team members and attendees forme small teams and make a SWOT analysis of the fore mentioned partnerships. In the final part of the meeting Fred Kwakkel had a presentation entitled "Agile development without borders using SCRUM: Overcoming distance in distributed teams".

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