Qubiz Bike Ride: a cycling event for enthusiasts

Maybe we don’t mention this as often as we should, but we’re really into sports. We play football, basketball, volley, and some of us go swimming or hit the gym regularly. Still, there is a special place in our hearts for riding our bikes.Whenever possible, we bike to work instead of taking the car. Sometimes we get together for a longer bike ride on the hills of Oradea. Usually it’s good fun as we get to hang out together and do some exercise at the same time....And it was on one of these occasions that a thought popped up: what if we organised a bigger bike ride with, let’s say, 200 people? That’s how we got the idea for...

Qubiz Bike Ride

On Saturday, 23rd of September, we’re getting together in Baile 1 Mai (Dealul Somleu) for Qubiz Bike Ride - a super bike ride out in the open. Anyone who owns and knows how to ride a bike is invited.There are three categories that you can sign up for:

  • Race - 20 km: A 20 km bike race for experienced bikers.
  • Open - 10 km: A 10 km long track that needs to be completed in maximum 3 hours. Recommended for those who enjoy a leisurely pace.
  • Family race: a 3 km distance for at least one child accompanied by at least one adult (aunt, uncle, parents, etc).

We don’t want to give away too much, but there are prizes for each category. And anyone who joins will be supporting a good cause. All the money collected from the registration fees will be donated to Fundatia Mihai Nesu, to support the treatment for children with disabilities.

How to join Qubiz Bike Ride

If you want to join, you can register online on the Qubiz Bike Ride website. Registration is open until 21st of September, so don’t wait too long.Oh - and if you’re coming, why don’t you bring along some of your friends, too? You know what they say - the more the merrier!See you there :)P.S. - We have the budget covered in full. But if you want to help us put together an even cooler event, we’re open to partnerships. Here are the details.

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