Qubiz Bike Ride 2017 in review

When we planned Qubiz Bike Ride, the weather forecast indicated that 23rd of September was the perfect autumn day. With a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius and a bit of sunshine, it was just the day for a bike ride.Much to our surprise, 23rd of September turned out to be a rainy day. Come to think about it, probably one of the rainiest days this year.Still, cold, rainy weather and all, the first edition of Qubiz Bike Ride was quite successful.

How the contest went

Over the week, we checked various weather forecasts. None of them showed serious warnings for the weekend, so we went ahead as scheduled.Still, when we saw that the rain just wouldn’t stop on Saturday morning, we considered rescheduling. However, 5 minutes after, the first participants came in. Half an hour later, the number grew to 50 participants.At 9:30, half an hour later than we had originally planned, we kicked off the first category, Race - 20 km. Open - 10km was next and we even had 13 contestants (4 families) for the Family Race.But for a few who abandoned for technical reasons, everyone finished the race safe and sound. At times, even covered in mud from head to toe. Still, all the contestants were smiling as they had enjoyed the race. After all, overcoming challenges - any kind of challenge - provides a sense of satisfaction. Some of them personally told us how much fun they had had, mud and rain and everything.After the contest, we enjoyed some nice, hot bogrács. And since we had a photo booth on location, we took some funny photos to remember the day - check them out here.

Qubiz Bike Ride 2017 - by the numbers

170 participants, 55 contestants, 53 volunteers, 18 partners and 3000 RON collected to support the Mihai Nesu Foundation. We couldn’t get an exact number for the quantity of rain, so we’ll skip that.

Thank you!

We would like to send a BIG, heart-warming thank you to everyone who has made Qubiz Bike Ride possible! We would like to thanks the volunteers and the contestants who showed up, ready to go despite the rainy weather.Thank you goes to our partners as well, for supporting us with goods for the contest and prizes. They are Decathlon Oradea, Carrefour Lotus Oradea, Carrefour Era Shopping Center, Krea Karting, Spitalul Pelican, Carcover, Evenimente Oradea, Ghid Local Oradea, Bihor pe net, Party Oradea, Oradea Life, Benvenuti, InfoOradea, Intergate Marketing, Cuponas.ro, Cinema Palace, Genus Coffee, Bellotto, and Greenbike.We would also like to extend the thanks to everyone who has donated to the Mihai Nesu Foundation. Your contribution will make it possible for children with disabilities to continue their treatment.

What’s next?

The rain didn’t get to us. But the bug for biking contests did.So we’re already thinking of the next edition of Qubiz Bike Ride, probably in May-June 2018 (a period when the weather holds fewer surprises). If you want to be the first ones to know about it, please follow Qubiz Bike Ride on Facebook. If you want to become a partner, please check the website.Thank you once again and see you next time! :)

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