Q-Meeting: a Time for Retrospective & Forward-Looking

Our bi-annual Qubiz Team Meeting (in our both offices: Oradea and Cluj-Napoca) is a moment when we get together in order to review the past semester, see what's coming next, and - very importantly - have some great fun together. We had a PowerPoint presentation that covered a few key points:

  • success points and client feedback in all our projects
  • lessons we learnt during these projects
  • on-going & future business
  • the progress of the Project Management Team, the Technical Council and the Quality Assurance Council
  • an HR brief about the trainings we had during the last 6 months, the certifications we got, the events and internships we organised, and the team growth and overall performance

During this meeting we also officially announced the launch of a new Qubiz division called Qubiz Apps. Qubiz Apps is a web & mobile development unit that will provide web & mobile app development, eCommerce integration and web development.

The meeting was highly successful, as we got to know that our clients appreciate our commitment, the quality of our work and the level of communicability and openness of our team members.

After the Q-Meeting presentation we felt entitled to celebrate, so we went together to pop some cold beers, gobble up some pizza & cakes, play pool, darts, fussball, bowling and board games.

We certainly had a lot of good fun and are looking forward to the next Qubiz Team Meeting the next spring!

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