Our favorite trainings and conferences in 2019 (so far)

Excellence may sound like a buzzword, but for us, it expresses our constant appetite for innovation and technical proficiency. We consider it to be an essential ingredient of a good working environment, that's why it's one of the values that define the Qubiz Culture (aka Qubizm).To stay true to this value, we set up an internal system that helps colleagues achieve their full potential. We constantly support our team by investing in hard and soft skills training sessions, materials, and periodic performance reviews. We compiled a list of the training sessions and conferences that our colleagues found the most useful this year. What other conferences would you recommend? Let us know in the comments section!

PM training & coaching with Peter Leeson | May, Internal training

Andrei C: The project management training was extremely inspiring. The trainer, Peter Leeson has tons of experience in the IT industry. The lessons he teaches are simple and meaningful. The course covered a wide range of topics, including Project life cycle, Risk management, Dealing with expectations of stakeholders, Time management, Estimates, and last but not least Team management. I had an epiphany during the team motivation chapter when Peter explained what keeps developers motivated. Although I felt this as a developer, I never thought it was that simple. I would say this course is a must for team leads, senior devs, and testers as well.

Microsoft’s OpenHack Conversational AI Conference | February, Amsterdam

Andrei N: If you want to learn something quickly, the fastest way is to just start doing it. That's exactly what OpenHack it's all about - getting your hands dirty and learn new technologies by experimenting whit them. The difference-maker in this case, are the Microsoft experts who are coaching you. At the Amsterdam OpenHack, we learned about the latest natural language processing Microsoft services. Also, we teamed up with other IT professionals from all around the world to develop a chatbot. The application helps users reserve tickets at music festivals, using every service that Microsoft offers in terms of NLP.

Software Design & Development Conference | May, London

Cristi: I can sincerely say that I really enjoyed this event. The speakers' resume, training, and knowledge speak for themselves. It was a good experience to be among them, to gain insight into technology trends, and to wight the pros and cons of different approaches (ways of working, architecture, etc.). Also, the professionalism of the organizing team showed that it is a quality conference. I recommend the event full-heartedly! Next year, I'll make sure that my colleagues who show thirst and potential to be lead forces in their projects, can also attend the conference!

JSHeroes | April, Cluj-Napoca

Paul: The best thing about JSHeroes is that you can talk to developers from a wide range of companies. It was cool to see what's new in the JS world and to get a taste of what the future likely holds. I would recommend the event to any dev who works with JavaScript because you feel the pulse of the community, you get an idea about trends, and you can discover tools that will have a direct impact on your work. For instance, I found out about a JS (cypress) automated testing library which can replace Selenium.

ITCamp | June, Cluj-Napoca

Dia: The ITCamp conference was a nice experience because I gained new technical & non-technical knowledge which I('ll) have the chance to apply. One of the most interesting sessions (actually, a discussion) was about where is Romania in terms of programming. It was an interesting topic. ?

DevTalks | May, Cluj-Napoca

Andreea: This year at the DevTalks I attended the Java Stream. It was a fruitful experience for a number of reasons. The main benefits were the presentations where the speakers were hands-on developers with experience and expertise, so they were relatable and spoke the 'same language' as the audience. My favorite talks were the ones about Kafka messaging, Quarkus framework, and Reactive Web. We also got tips & tricks on how to improve ourself and our craft. And of course, it was nice to socialize and change ideas with our peers.

Codecamp | April, Cluj-Napoca

Karina: I've heard from my friends that Codecamp is a free conference that offers 'content you would pay for'. This being my first conference, I can say that my expectations were high. Angular & Firebase: The New Serveless Full Stack was the presentation that appeased my thirst for knowledge. Idan Cohen, the speaker, captivated our attention with the benefits of using Firebase, by developing a live chat on the spot. He presented Firebase as a backend solution, with a database, authentication, storage and hosting all sprinkled with a little humor. As a developer, I left Codecamp inspired, with my expectations exceeded and eager to attend the next conference.Sofia: Codecamp is the place to be if you are passionate about anything IT. My desire to attend this event was fueled by the amazing lineup of the presentations and by the many great recommendations. The Bootcamp that came afterward was just as great and helped me learn about many new Azure technologies. I was particularly intrigued by the Machine Learning API. I recommend Codecamp to anyone who wants to be up to date with fresh new technologies and/or wants to brush up on existing ones and learn tips & tricks of the trade.

Romanian Testing Conference | June, Cluj-Napoca

Patricia: I really liked about RTC that we had a great diversity of talks. If you want to invest in yourself, this conference can be a real boost for your career. I would recommend to every tester to attend the conference, to gain more knowledge from other colleagues in the field. Also, RTC was a great opportunity for a team building. We had fun on our way to Cluj in the train's bar, at the conference and on our way home. So it was an amazing experience.

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