Oradea IT Bridge - Project Management

On Thursday, 22nd of May, at Hotel Continental in Oradea, Qubiz together with Romcom and Oradea IT Bridge (Neobyte Solutions, Technoworks, Oradea Devs and Griffiths School Management) organised an IT event called “Oradea IT Bridge - Project Management”. More than 100 guests attended the event, where the topics were related to Project Management, Scrum and tools for promoting products and services.

Invitatie IT Bridge - Project Management.jpg

Radu Popa, the host of this event, presented the 3 speakers and their topics:

  1. Alex Petchesi - “Estimations in software development”. He spoke about:
  2. Estimations vs commitment
  3. Cone of uncertainty
  4. Individual estimations
  5. Estimations methods
  6. How to validate the right estimations
  7. Mircea Bodog - from Qubiz side - our Scrum Master, spoke about "Scrum in product development" , referring to a successful project in our company and also to the lessons learned during the implementation of the application for the client. The main things he pointed out were:
  • The product: a web multi-tenant applications in Financial Education of a client located in London (United Kingdom)
  • The product: a web multi-tenant applications in Financial Education of a client located in London (United Kingdom)
  • The analysis of the project: Scrum was chosen as a tool for the working way; there 88 user stories, 5 sprints + 1 sprint of acceptance. The estimations were for estimations - 4 months, 2 milestones, with a team of 3 developers, 1 tester, 1 Scrum master and the Product owner from the client
  • During his speech, Mircea presented the 6 lessons learned for him and his team when implementing the project, referring to: the role of the Scrum in project, the roles in the project, how to manage a fixed budget contract, the fact that project management is mandatory, to fail as soon as possible at the beginning of a project so you can recover during the project not at the end of it, to inspect and adapt the project.
  1. Alina Gheara-Georgiu, the last speaker talked about "Promotion of products and services"
  2. Who should promote them in a company
  3. Frequently errors when promoting products and services:
  4. Not knowing the market and no connection with the reality
  5. Establishing a non realistic budget
  6. Ignore the client’s voice
  7. Not prioritizing the client’s needs
  8. A small or non-existing online presence
  9. No marketing strategy or an incomplete strategy
  10. No realistic purposes
  11. To spam or not to spam
  12. Focus on things that don’t count
  13. Not measuring the results

At the end of each presentation, the guests could ask questions to the speakers. For sure it was a good experience and we look forward to new IT conferences.More pictures from the event on our Facebook page.Soon a new event by Oradea IT Bridge is coming. Find out here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oradea-it-bridge-2-o-doza-de-tehnologie-tickets-11752404759

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