Open Doors Day at Qubiz

One of the highlights of this summer at Qubiz were the Open Doors Days. Students and young professionals eager to know us in person attended this event. They learned about our company and about the first steps they should take to build a career in the Romanian IT industry. This July we had two editions of Open Doors Days: the first was on the 11th of July, when 7 students visited us, while the second was held on the 16th of July, when other 7 enthusiastic people joined us for a couple of hours.

Marcel presented the Qubiz approach of nearshoring and working side by side with the client. He also talked to the visitors about the most important stages of his career and the lessons he learned over the years. Dan, one of our IT Architects, joined the discussion on the technological topics, while Mircea, one of our Project Managers, presented some of the most interesting mobile projects Qubiz has been working on. At the end, all three of the presenters made sure that everybody left with their questions answered.

As a last thing, we would like to share some of the participant’s impressions after the event:

  • “I really enjoyed attending this event where I got answers to my questions, even to some unasked ones. I also liked the professionalism you have in your company. It was a pleasure to see a part of your projects and the entire process flow of a project” - Ioan
  • “The speakers were very willing to answer our questions” - Delia
  • “It was interactive, I found out some interesting things” - Ionut
  • “I was impressed by the history of the company and the approach of dealing with clients and employees” - Paul
  • “I loved the nice and open attitude, the good atmosphere, the organisational culture, the long lasting relationships and the customers portfolio” - Sergiu
  • “I liked the history of the company and Marcel’s path in the IT domain. I also liked the presentations of Dan and Mircea that helped us understand better how Qubiz works”. - Ovidiu
  • “I enjoyed the atmosphere and the warmness in the company. The principles and the values that Qubiz holds are to be admired. Not many companies offer the possibility to grow professionally and moreover as an individual. It was a very nice meeting Marcel and the rest of the Team.” - Ioana
  • “I loved the people from QubizTeam. It is a spirit that you can find very hard in other places. I like the style and the way that people are treated there” - Dan.

We really enjoyed these events, and we are looking forward to the next ones!

by Alina Gadoiu

[caption id="attachment_624" align="aligncenter" width="614"]

Open Doors Day - Mircea presenting mobile projects

Open Doors Day - Mircea presenting mobile projects[/caption][caption id="attachment_625" align="aligncenter" width="614"]

Open Doors Day - Dan talking about technical topics

Open Doors Day - Dan talking about technical topics[/caption]

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