Million ways you can grow with us at Qubiz (ep.4)

One of the best things in the past decade was to see our team grow, both in number and in expertise. No matter when they joined us, it’s exciting to see their careers evolve together with the company. Today, we present you another inspiring career story, as part of our ongoing mini-series on Qubiz team members’ professional journeys (click here for previous episodes).

Oana’s career makeover

We met Oana last year. She just finished an IT crash course designed for adults who want to change their profession. Although at first, she appeared to be a bit nervous, she quickly overcame her emotions and proved to be a diligent and bright candidate. The hiring team’s conclusion was unanimously positive.

What did you do before joining the Informal School of IT?

Before deciding to attend the Informal School of IT and fast track a new career as a junior software developer, I worked as a digital marketer for 4 years.

Why did you want to change your domain of work?

Working in the digital marketing field, I worked in close collaboration with teams of talented developers who would take my advertising ideas and turn them into appealing websites. This idea – of developing working content, not only presenting content – has always fascinated me. The eagerness to pursue a career in web development has been in the back of my mind for a long time, but this was the trigger to change my career path and mindset.

How did you hear about Qubiz? Why did you choose this company?

After I finished my learning plan in order to start applying for junior developer roles, I came across a job opening at Qubiz on LikedIn. After doing research on the company, Qubiz was top of my list. I applied and was scheduled for an interview the same day.Do you want to know why Qubiz was top of my list? As a person that had recently switched careers, I knew that I might need just a little more mentoring than other junior developers to start growing professionally.

I wanted to be part of a company with a people-oriented culture, strong values, valuable professionals where each individual is offered the necessary support to grow. Qubiz did not disappoint.

What surprised you the most regarding working at Qubiz?

I was pleasantly surprised by the sense of community in Qubiz. Everyone who pleases is encouraged to attend workshops and presentations on different technology stacks held regularly to keep us updated on the emerging technologies. Another great aspect is that if you have any questions or need technical clarifications, people are happy to help regardless of the project they are working on.

What or who helped you to most to grow?

The team and the project I am part of has played an important role in my professional growth. There is not one single person behind my professional development, but the Davanti team as a whole. What I appreciate most is that people on this project take the time to thoroughly clarify technical aspects as many times as needed until it becomes clear, all in a friendly manner. This is extremely useful for me to gain technical knowledge, but also to pass it on when it becomes clear.

What do you like the most about your work?

What I like most about the work I do is the challenge of coming up with solutions. Finding a solution implies analysis, research, clarifying functional aspects and ultimately turning them into technical solutions. I am not going to lie – the struggle is real, but rewarding when you “see the matrix.

Any future plans?

For now, my main focus is to gain as much knowledge as I can every day, to clarify aspects that are not yet clear and gradually gain a deeper understanding of more complex concepts and technologies in my stack.

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