“Now I've had the time of my life”

Once upon a time my parents had a girl… OK, no, luckily for you, this won’t be the story of my life! What I'm about to share with you is my experience at Qubiz.

The story begins at the end of March 2011 when I made my first contact with Qubiz by meeting the team. I had a long interview with... let's call them the HR department, in which we discussed the usual job interview stuff - my professional experience, my skills and my ability to build relationships with people. We met again the following day and after another long talk, they asked me to join the team right away. It seemed unbelievable to me! I accepted on the spot without any second thoughts!

Shortly afterwards, on the 19th of April, I started a new chapter in my life: myself working at Qubiz.

Life at Qubiz

By coming to Qubiz I joined a team of 20 colleagues. The first day in the company was full of emotions for me: I was amazed by the way they received me, their warmth, their dedication towards each other and the company.

Time passed by quickly. There were many memorable moments: the new work experience, the various events we had together, our hangouts, the clients who visited us here in Romania, an so on! I would say that we were together for better and for worse. Every day we felt that we were growing as individuals and as professionals.

The date of April 19, 2015 marks 4 years since I joined Qubiz. They were maybe - and I'm not exaggerating a bit! - the best years in my professional life. These were the years in which I learnt a lot of what I know now - especially from my mistakes, hehe! The years in which I met great people, people who, through their unshakeable dedication, do more than just "a good job", but instead give all their best in any situation. These were the years in which I developed my soft skills and became at the same time much more confident.

Soon now, in mid-July 2015 to be more exact, the company will celebrate 7 years of existence; I can say with confidence that all of us have been contributed in our own way to become what we are today as a team and as a company. The company has grown tremendously in recent years, many people had joined our team, both in Oradea and in Cluj. We are now a much bigger family - more than 100 people if you count our partners in the UK and the Netherlands - all of us looking forward to the future, all of us sharing the same values and spreading our knowledge and experience.

In lieu of conclusions

“Now, I’ve had the time of my life”, as the great song goes. I will surely miss all these great things that happened to me during these years, but now I have to leave...

...Temporarily! For at least a year I'll be relocating my headquarters at home where I will have this 24/7 job which I heard brings women an incredible joy that cannot be described in words.

But anyway, "I'll be back", to quote another popular catchphrase. Until then, I'll just wave farewell to my colleagues, who will always be in my thoughts ...and on my Skype and email as a matter of fact. These two media will keep me connected to my colleagues and the evergreen Qubiz spirit.

So long!


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