New visual identity for Qubiz

2013 is a year full of opportunities and changes for Qubiz. This year, Qubiz celebrated its 5th anniversary, being an event during which we took the time to remember the great moments from the past years. It was also a good time to analyse where we are and what we want to do in the future. We believe it is also time to take a step forward.

At the beginning of October, we launched a new visual identity for Qubiz, including a new design for our logo and our website:

QUBIZ_fit to business

A new design for our logo

The new logo uses a new font more friendly and emphasises the idea of a modern, european and fun brand. The icon used - obtained of geometrical graphical elements that create the illusion of a rectangle - communicates the values that Qubiz has: closeness to the client, flexibility and fun. In creating the new logo the following remarks were taken into consideration:

  • keep the name Qubiz and the tagline Fit to Business
  • use the colors: blue and orange
  • respect Qubiz values: customer centered, results-driven, trust and respect, entrepreneurship and fun.
  • match the company culture
  • keep the european and the modern brand of the previous logo

A new design for the website

We wanted a more friendly website, that is more accessible to the user. The website includes 6 menus:

  1. About Us -> that presents Qubiz mission and values, Qubiz Profile, Why Nearshoring, Why to choose Qubiz, who are our Partners and our Clients; where one can find our headquarters
  2. What We Do -> that illustrates our IT solutions and the way we approach the projects
  3. Case Studies -> that shows the clients for which we have implemented the IT solutions with the typical study case and our clients’ testimonials
  4. Careers -> that illustrates in the graphic way the life at Qubiz and also the our Culture and the Benefits that we have; the fact that you can develop also at personal level. There is also a list of job openings.
  5. Contact -> there is a contact form and our contact details to contact us
  6. News -> that presents our news: new case studies, new articles on our our blog.

All these things represent a new step for our company and there are more news to come. Stay tuned with Qubiz.

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