Million ways to grow with us at Qubiz: Cristi’s story

Success can be defined (and measured) in many ways. But one of the clearest sign that you're doing a good job is when your peers are (constantly) asking for your opinion or insight. Cristi Calbaza is one of the go-to people in Qubiz. He's a proud member of the Qubiz Team since 2013. Actually, he was the first hire of the Cluj Office. We asked him to share his thoughts about his professional journey.(You can read previous episodes from the Million ways to grow series here).

What’s your current role at Qubiz?

I am a Delivery Manager, meaning I coordinate activities inside a unit. I am responsible for our colleagues’ development, as well as the quality of our services. This involves daily interaction with many teams. I’m also involved in pre-sales activities. I’m doing my best to transform our prospects into Qubiz customers.

And before that?

Before joining Qubiz, I worked as a Software Engineer at different IT companies from Cluj-Napoca. But that wasn’t as fun as my current job, so let’s get back to the present!

What surprised you most when you joined Qubiz?

Meeting Gabi and Marcel left a big impression on me. Working side-by-side with the management team is something you can experience only in a few places. It’s completely different from what I was used to before joining Qubiz. Our managers are excellent colleagues, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Do you feel you’ve been making progress at Qubiz over the years?

As I mentioned before, I was the first colleague in Cluj (or the second, if we are counting Gabi). I started as a developer, but I quickly assumed team lead responsibilities as we brought along new colleagues to this venture. One of the benefits of working on many projects over the years is that you gain a lot of technical and business domain knowledge. I also paid attention to develop my leadership skills. At times, it wasn’t quite easy, but the challenges I faced made it more exciting. I had presales, code writing, and team coordination tasks, while I also paid attention to help my colleagues grow. I assumed the Delivery Manager role recently, and it is keeping me busy… a lot!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Being part of a team like Qubiz is the most pleasant thing that I could hope for. Many thanks to my colleagues!

Tell me about your favorite project so far

It’s a hard choice, so I’ll pick one randomly. We had a greenfield project for a large British company. We had to get familiar fast with a cloud-based service we have never used before. This was one of the challenges that made the accomplishment even sweeter. I remember very well how important the team spirit was for the success of that project.

Any future plans?

Well, I’m not planning on becoming the President of the United States, but I would really like to know that Qubiz will be at least as awesome as it is now – and that I had something to do with it!

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