MicroStrategy in the Cloud

Cloud computing became a very important subject for customers and vendors to discuss which has led companies to invest time and develop strategies to leverage cloud in the last couple of years. Nowadays more and more organizations - on the vendor side and their customers - are focusing on building cloud computing solutions in data and information management, specifically BI and analytics. Some vendors have already instantiated cloud BI solutions, drawing customers attention to move their traditional in-house BI solutions into the cloud with the warranty of multiple benefits.

One of this big vendors is Microstrategy which provides “Microstrategy Cloud Intelligence”, a solution that brings together 3 services:

  • Personal
  • “Fast, fun, free!”
  • free to use
  • allow users to visualize and share data in an instance
  • MS Excel and Salesforce.com as datasources
  • Express
  • “Business Analytics for everyone”
  • multiple data sources
  • reporting tools like : interactive dashboards, pixel-perfect reports and dashboards, etc.
  • Platform
  • “Industry's most powerful cloud BI”
  • multiple data sources
  • complex and custom reporting tools
  • multiple access modes (Web, iPad, iPhone, Android, MS Office, etc.)

A detailed comparison of the cloud services: https://www.microstrategy.com/cloud/editions/

It can be difficult to compare the above services with similar services from other vendors but in some cases we can easily see the benefits. One example from own experience can be the use of the Personal service from the Microstrategy’s cloud solution when it comes to small analysis tasks. We are used in some cases and for some analysis task to use for example google spreadsheets pivot table functionality, and yes even though google spreadsheet is not a BI tool it can be very helpful. But to really understand how easy the analysis can be and how much more information can be obtained in so many formats and styles we had to use the Microstrategy cloud Personal edition.

Microstrategy’s high interest towards cloud BI highlights the trajectory taken by business intelligence and the importance of Cloud BI for future businesses.

Although in early years, cloud BI looks to be the way we have to look into the future. From cost efficiency and self service BI to data sharing and accessibility cloud BI continues on an upward slope together with everything that means cloud computing.

Useful resources:

All the ideas and suggestions are well received by us so please do not hesitate to share your opinion on this.

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Alin Berce is a Senior BI Developer at Qubiz

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