The IT market in Cluj-Napoca

In the following lines I would like to share with you the findings of my research on Cluj’s IT market. But first of all - I must say that from the point of view of a person who majored in history - it is a big and very pleasant surprise to discover that the city which past you try to know better and better, is known all over the world for more than that. Its present and future make it a big attraction for entrepreneurs and businessmen from all over the world. I am talking about my city, Cluj-Napoca, where I work and live.

In Qubiz, I work as an assistant manager in the Cluj office and during my time here, I had the chance to discover a lot of interesting things about the IT market in this city, which is very big and well developed. The key players are known and respected by everyone.

Obviously everyone wants to be not just another nearshore or outsourcing company, but except a few, they rarely manage that. From my point of view, that is not a bad thing, because it still is a win-win situation and in the end everyone is happy about it.

The reasons why companies choose Romania, and Cluj in particular, to be their nearshore location is discussed by several industry experts. One of the most comprehensive analysis of these reasons is Sean Murphy’s article, that was published in Computer Weekly. He found that the top reasons why companies preffer Cluj are:

  • the impressive language skills of the workforce
  • highly educated workforce
  • access to talent due to the big universities from Cluj
  • low attrition rate
  • low cost CEE destination
  • cultural compatibility
  • excellent technical infrastructure
  • government support

The many IT companies from Cluj struggle to keep an employee retention rate somewhere between 80 % and 90 % and the ones who manage that are proud of it, not afraid to show off and are capable to do almost anything to keep that percentage high. Moreover, the working conditions and the benefits are getting better and more attractive by the year; sometimes one can see how they are competing to offer more. That is just great for a continuous improvement of the IT market in this city. Cluj is becoming from one day to another, from one year to another, a powerful centre for this industry and other industries.As a conclusion, I would like to recommend you a great movie about Cluj-Napoca:, to reinforce the analysis and discover or rediscover the beauty and the strength of this magic city.(foto:

by Timea

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