Looking back for the summer: .NET and Mobile Internship in Qubiz

Autumn has arrived and it is time to have an overview of this summer. It was a long one for Qubiz, with many projects and activities.One of the most important projects was the internship program the company offered on the subject of Mobile & .NET development. In fact it was for the first time we had an internship with these technologies. We targeted the students from University of Oradea, especially those who study Engineering, Computer Science and Information.To our surprise we had a lot of applicants, but unfortunately we only had 4 openings. The quality of the applicants made it very difficult for us to select only 4 of them, so we added another opening. So, 5 interesting students in the internship!It was a pleasure to work with them due to their willingness to learn more and to gain experience working with the new technologies.The internship started at the beginning of July and the interns had to implement a Social mindmap based on social media platforms that Qubiz developers could use to directly interact with Qubiz partners, prospects & clients. The project had to integrate existing Social Media tools such as: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google+ slideshare, in a visual manner such as mindmaps. The technology used was all web-based and the application can be used on different platforms such as: Windows, Android or iOS.For the interns, it was more than a simple internship, as they later expressed themselves:

"Taking part in this internship helped me learn new things and put them into practice right away, meet great people who contributed one way or another to improve my way of approaching projects. I think that the Qubiz team not only fits to business, but it also helps you to fit in; they helped me deal with some of the major issues that the project created and offered me great support. I’m sure that organizing future internships will be welcomed by other people as well, so keep it up” – Alex

“ I learned many things, faster than I thought, I was happy to work in a team” - Daniel

“I learned a lot, everything was very good” - Marius

”It was a nice experience and also the fact that we worked as a team” - Tamas

“I learned many things and I am glad that we had the chance to help each other” - Tiberiu

We are glad to have them in Qubiz and we are looking forward to the next internship in spring!

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