Introducing Carly Schone

One of the thing that defines us, as a company, is the willingness to improve. By this time next year, we want to be even better than we are now.To help us achieve our goal, Carly Schone joined us in November as Director, with a focus on operations and delivery. Originally from the Netherlands, Carly has 9 years of experience overseeing large teams and complex IT projects.Instead of a static, long introduction, we thought we’d do a short interview with him. Read on to find out more about Carly.

1. How did you get into IT?

I started with web development as a hobby in the late ‘90s. After that, I worked in marketing and I did some hands-on development for e-commerce - I was the marketing guy who could also program. The e-commerce solutions had an accountancy module that attracted me, so I made the jump and took an accountancy job with a large BPO company. I grew in that position, becoming global account manager and got involved in transition projects and ERP systems implementations. That’s how I made the full switch to IT. One of the transition projects I worked on brought me to Romania and I stayed in touch, even if I still lived in the Netherlands until 2014.

2. Where did you go from there?

I was doing freelance work in Romania and started working for an international IT service provider. After a while, I reached a standstill. That’s about when a guy working at a luxury car manufacturing got in touch. They had an opening for a demanding management position and he believed I was the perfect fit. So I took the job. In my new role, I was responsible for all the sales and financial applications for the entire landscape ecosystem - about 150 applications. All were needed to run the business, especially the manufacturing area. If one application wasn’t working, the car production process was halted somewhere around the world.In the roughly 2 years I spent there, I went from managing a team of 20 to building a department of 300. My team covered support and maintenance as well, and we had people in India, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Qatar. It was a very demanding role as assembly lines run 24/7 and the same was expected of me. But I was happy that the tools we built helped streamline the production process. I also liked that we did a lot of academies: training programs for IT or functional knowledge transfer.

3. How did you run across Qubiz?

One random Sunday, I got a message from Marcel on LinkedIn. We had been connected for 6 months, we had a lot of touch points, but never actually got in touch. We met the day after for lunch and it was kind of weird, I had been for about three years in Cluj-Napoca, we had so many common connections and yet we had never met. That’s when I found out Marcel was always the guy behind the scenes.I started doing some minor consulting for Qubiz, a few internal training sessions and then some external analysis for the company. Before I knew it, I was spending 20% of my time with Qubiz. Compared to my other role, which was a high-pressure environment, a lot of travel and extreme corporate measures, being in Qubiz felt like a relief and provided me with more energy than the other 80% of my time. So I decided to join Qubiz full time in November as Director focusing on delivery and operations.

4. What is your new role at Qubiz?

At Qubiz, I’ll focus mainly on major clients, along with industrial and automotive domains. I’ll also get involved in support and maintenance, as well as help clients in those areas in the future. I will also assist with operation management inside the company, focusing on efficiency and making sure everyone does what they are good at and what they enjoy the most. As the number of projects in Qubiz grows, I’ll also support Marcel, Gabi, and Tibi - the current managing partners as they do account management.

5. How can software development help, from your experience?

In a lot of organizations, IoT becomes part of the manufacturing process and this brings a challenge to the development process, how it is done and to the manufacturing process itself. Once software becomes part of the product, it has to be completed by the time the product leaves the factory. All this data recorded from devices come back to the factory to improve future products. Still, that data has to be channeled and taken into consideration for the next production round where the same challenges are faced with software development being part of the process.

6. 3 things that can have an impact on development projects

1. People2. People3. People :)

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