The Informal IT School

IT has been one of the leading industries in Romania for the past 10 or 15 years, generating thousands of well-paid jobs. However, most school courses lack in day-to-day applicability; the educational programs in Romania are very old and cannot satisfy the need for IT specialists on the market. The good news is that a new specialisation programme called the Informal IT School (Scoala Informala de IT) has been started recently!

The Informal IT School is a project by the Association of Informal Education (a non-profit organisation that helps students and graduates to get faster into employment), in partnership with various local IT companies. The Informal IT School allows capable people who want to work in this domain to have access to various courses, such as Quality Assurance, Development (Web and Java development) or IT Management. These courses are very useful because they offer concrete information that can be used in practice in the real world. In other words, it's not just pure theory, but practical knowledge that can be applied right away.

Qubiz supports the Informal IT School

Marcel Anghel, CEO at Qubiz, posted this testimonial on the school's website: “As in other major cities in Romania, in Oradea there is a rapid development of the IT sector. This means that every year new jobs are created, but the demand for IT specialists is constantly greater than the offer on the market. However, a student or a graduate should acquire a bit more practical experience in order to meet the hiring companies' requirements. Internships are a solution - at Qubiz, we are constantly organising internship programmes for future developers - but they are often punctual and cannot fully cover the need for specialisation. In this context, the role of the Informal IT School can be very important. Being a school focused on teaching the latest technologies and IT practices, it can be very effective in initiating those without a background in IT, but wish to join one of the greatest professional communities in Romania. Oradea is in great need for such a school and we are very pleased to support this initiative”.

Visit their website here.

by Alina

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