Impressions from Summer Camp 2014

We’ve been going to Summer Camps for some years now, so they’ve become part of our culture - a summer tradition, if you like. Summer Camps are basically short trips to the mountains in which we all get to have fun together. And by all we mean the whole Qubiz Team, our families, our partners and our clients. As the saying goes, “the more, the merrier”...This year, between 8 and 10 August, the Qubiz Team members and their guests joined our 5th Summer Camp, in which we had the chance to celebrate, among other things, the company’s 6th anniversary.Just like in 2013, we chose to spend our Summer Camp in Remeti, a Romanian mountain resort situated in the Apuseni Mountains, in the North-Western part of the country. The landscape here is quite beautiful - a valley bordered by low mountains (or high hills, it depends on how you look at it), steep cliffs, rustic farms, fragrant haystacks and lots of relaxing green!One of Remeti’s most popular tourist attractions is Valea Iadului (Valley of Hell), which springs a few kilometers upstream from Bulz and then flows rapidly into the Crisul Repede River - no pun intended.

Fun summer activities

This year we had many pastimes and games to choose from, among which we should name paintball, zip lining, kayaking and sumo (which were organised by a team building company), and biking, archery, swimming, dancing and board gaming (which we organised by ourselves). As we were able to conclude from the feedback quiz we handed to our team members, the most enjoyed pastimes were swimming, playing paintball, volley and archery. By the way, sorry for the missing arrows, but hey, at least nobody got (badly) hurt!In the end, we think this Summer Camp was a fun experience for all of us, and a chance to know each other better, share our knowledge (ok, maybe not so much), and relax in a friendly atmosphere.

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