Imagine Cup internship in Qubiz

As many of you might know, Microsoft has been organizing over the past several years a software development contest called Imagine Cup. Students from all over the world get the chance to compete against each other at developing the most interesting software application related to each year's theme.

Students can either form teams or compete by themselves and are given the chance to be mentored by faculty members or private held companies. This year such a company is Qubiz - we want to mentor and help teams or individual students from Oradea to get involved in this competition and hopefully win.

We think that Qubiz can help these students learn how an application is thought and analyzed, what are the steps needed to implement a great application and of course how an application should be tested. In order for the students to learn all this, Qubiz team members will mentor their paths sharing their experience, their knowledge and their vision.

What we are looking for is eagerness to get the most out of this competition. We know that finding a good idea for a project is not an easy task, so if the student or team does not have a chosen project yet the Qubiz team members will help him/them find one. Once the project is 'found', the contestant(s) will have to prepare the sketches and all the other needed material by 13th of March in order to advance to the second phase of the contest. If the project is accepted in the second phase, from that point forward the team will have to implement the project.

During all phases the contestant(s) will be guided by the Qubiz team member who is their mentor, for which they will spend 1-2 hours per week together at Qubiz's office in Oradea.

We wish all contestants good luck and let the coding begin.

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