Having fun with Qubiz!

Every once in a while, the Qubiz team gathers to spend time together at all kinds of activities, such as going out for lunch or ordering food at the office. When the weather holds, we like to do more extensive activities that span multiple days. In 2021, in the pandemic context that limited our options quite a bit, we tried to come up with creative and less common ideas, such as:

Rafting and Via Ferrata trail

A few of us chose to have fun at rafting and others chose the Via Ferrata route. Some had fun on the water, others on the huge stone rocks. Rafting is an activity which uses an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of water. At Via Ferrata, we had to climb a cliff-face by walking across iron bars (hence the name “Via Ferrata”) that had been inserted into the rock face.

A bunch of us were faster on the water, others a bit slower, some were confusing the others, or they just had to sacrifice themselves and enter the water to unblock the boat that got stuck.

The positive feedback from the end showed us that we all had fun and got a big laugh, so it was a great idea to spend time together in a more unusual environment.


Also, in July, we went hiking, where we did several mountain trails on the Făgăraș Mountains. We enjoyed the wonderful landscapes, some of us met a few bear cubs, we took pictures and encouraged each other to finish the routes well, even if we made many stops and breaks.

Horseback riding

One of our colleagues came up with the fantastic idea of going horseback riding. We splitted into teams, on two different weekends and when we’ve completed the whole tour, we shared new pictures and funny stories on a Skype group. Of course, we were not bypassed by enthusiasm, fun and good cheer even during the activity.

Some people were afraid of falling off their horses and we could hear screams when the horses began to make more unusual movements. (PS: Most of the screams were cheerful and even though nothing serious happened…🤭) The horses and the autumn landscapes, with fallen leaves and trees of all colors were the perfect context for some successful pictures, which soon appeared on the Instagram accounts of our colleagues.

Halloween day

A banana? 🍌 A rabbit? 🐇 A witch? ♣️♥️

All of them!

On October 29th we met with the colleagues who were able to come to the office. We also had a photo corner decorated for Halloween. Some colleagues came dressed up, others just wore spooky accessories. We had sweets, gummy bears, lollipops and cakes.

We had a lot of fun! And we are sure no one ate too many sweets that day! 😀

Ice cream day

On the last day of summer, we chose to have ice cream at the office. The nice people from Bianco Milano delighted us with beautiful ice cream cups.

Take a look at the delicious pictures that came out:

Reading Challenge

Of course, we didn’t forget about our colleagues who like to feel cozy and more connected to themselves, so we came up with something that’s right up their alley: a reading challenge! In fact, it was so well received that we’ve started a second edition.

During the first edition, those who participated had to choose a title from 5 categories of books, which they could read in 5 months and at the end, they had to make a short review for each one.

In the second edition (which began in October), participants must read 3 books till the end of the year. The interesting part is that they have to lend two books to the other participants and borrow two of the books recommended by their colleagues. The third book can be chosen by our colleagues according to their own preferences. This time also, they have to write a short review for each book.

At the end of the challenge, we organize a tombola and extract 3 winners who receive a voucher from Cărturești. Thus, Qubiz encourages us to participate more and to add new and intriguing titles to our reading list.

We believe that if people are more comfortable around their coworkers, they will work more efficiently. Therefore, this is a win-win situation every time.

Furthermore, there are many good things that can result from this extra bonding time, especially if someone is new at the office. It’s a great way to break the ice and make them feel part of the team in a short time. Of course, team leaders also have an important role to play, which involves giving support to the entire team.

Above productivity, which matters to any business, we believe that the personal connections with those around us, including our colleagues, should be sincere and meaningful. That’s why we care so much about spending quality time together!

Thank you for reading our article! What activities have you done with your colleagues this year? Do you have any suggestions for our team-building activities?

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