BloodMatters Qubiz Team 2012 ImagineCup mobile app

This year's Imagine Cup contest was a good chance for students all over the world to put their minds to work again and come up with great ideas to solve challenging problems that the world is confronted with. Qubiz wanted to be involved as well this time, so we offered ourselves as mentors. We found 4 students who promised a lot and started the journey for the grand prize in the WindowsPhone Challenge.

The QTeam thought of addressing a relevant issue of today's life, the shortage of blood needed in medical interventions, this is how BloodMatters was born; an application created with the intent to help blood centers raise awareness about their need for blood and let people get involved in helping. BloodMatters allows people who installed the application, see the near-by blood centers and subscribe to their notifications. Each user has a profile that can be private or public; if the profile is private, when a user accepts through the application to be a blood donor, the blood center only receives his blood type and Rh, otherwise the user's name and gender are also available.

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