4 Signs that show if your company’s ready for nearshoring

Given today’s dynamic business environment and the current challenges that the entire world is facing today, more and more companies are searching for ways to maximize efficiency, minimize waste and increase productivity. One of these answers is hiring external teams to take over some projects or, in some cases, entire departments. This process is generally called outsourcing. Nearshoring, on the other hand, is the process in which some of these processes are picked up by a remote team that is located much closer to home. For example, if your company is located in the UK or in Germany, your best nearshoring destinations are in eastern Europe. High quality work, smaller fees and very similar work culture are just some of the benefits that eastern European software development companies offer. But how can you know that nearshoring is the right decision for your company? Well, you’re in great luck, because today we’re going to take a closer look at some of the most important aspects you need to consider if you’re on the verge of hiring a remote team. Based on these particular signs, you can build an informed opinion that will help you make the best decision for your business needs. Let’s dive right in then.

1. You have a very specific need that needs addressing

Either it’s a project that requires some specific technological skills, like less popular programming languages, or you just need an entire development team to work together on a bigger project, nearshoring can help with that.Sometimes, hiring in-house professionals for specific skill sets can be pricey enough. When you choose to work with a respectable remote team, all your technological needs are addressed by skilled and talented IT professionals, without all that headhunting, hiring, onboarding, and training that goes into this regular process of extending one’s team. In addition, nearshoring IT services allow you to keep your full focus on what your company does best. Day to day operations are more optimised and everyone can now benefit from increased productivity and stellar results. Not to mention, at some very attractive costs.

2. You need to get more done

That takes us to our next topic - how do we make sure that we’re getting our money’s worth? When it comes to hiring in-house professionals, there are a lot of additional costs alongside the negotiated salary. And there’s always the risk that these people’s skills won’t be needed anymore once the project is over. That means you’re left with a handful of people that cannot be relocated to other projects but still require to be paid. And what about all that specific infrastructure required to support all those development efforts? Things like secure networks, servers, storage and a whole host of other technological components can be extremely expensive.Employing a company that can ensure software development services by providing the right, skilled people for the job can reduce your overall labour and infrastructure costs significantly. So, start by thoroughly planning out the budget for each project and you’ll clearly have a winner, one way or another.

3. You believe privacy and security are important

Security breaches can destroy a business extremely fast and everyone is vulnerable. You have every right to take all the adequate measures in order to protect your data and your work against these cyber threats. In a world where information is one of the most valued assets, a possible security vulnerability within your system can leave you exposed and also make you lose capital. There are a lot of companies that went down due to a security breach, the internet is full of such case studies, that show how exposed our data really is if we don’t take the right precautions. The most vulnerable are your employees. They are the primary targets of phishing and malware attacks and if your cyberinfrastructure isn’t prepared to foresee and defend such exposures, your whole system is at risk. Now, when you're choosing to work with a trustworthy augmented team, you can rest assured that all those necessary security measures are in place and they are well trained to sustain any cyber-threat that may come. Moreover, they can show you how to best optimize your current online infrastructure so that it can become bulletproof to attacks. By doing so, you ensure a smooth process, where everyone can do their jobs best and in the established time frame, and not having to worry every day about security concerns.

4. You need things to be more flexible and adapt quickly

Building a team from scratch can be a serious hassle, especially now, when social distancing guidelines are making all our day to day activities more challenging. The COVID-19 pandemic is a plot twist for every business on this planet. Some adapt, improvise and overcome the difficulties that came with the new ways of living that impacted all of our lives. But some couldn’t keep up, refused to leverage technology or just didn’t know how, and sank. What is most important in any crossroad situation, like this one, is the way in which we choose to react to it, and the way in which we wire our mindsets for success.As you decide that hiring a remote team works best for you now, especially in this context, you can already cross a lot of time and money consuming items off your list. Things like going through a whole hiring process, training and mentoring round to get them ready for the project could take several months to complete, all, of course, are pretty costly. A remote team is already trained and in touch with all the specifics needed to complete the required project. Moreover, if you do choose well, you might get even more than an obedient team that does everything according to the script. Plans should be flexible, adaptable to every situation and requirement, so if you have a trustworthy partner, you will get much more than some basic implementation from them. You should strive for a team that can cook up creative solutions that can be integrated easily into the whole concept. Time management is of course, amongst the first elements to consider when choosing such a collaboration. The goal is to obtain a top quality product in an established time frame, without unnecessary delays. Take Qubiz for example, many years of experience has taught us that when it comes to delivering high-quality products in a timely manner, our best solution is Agile. It’s the most hands-down approach to the whole development process, not to mention the fact that the client can see the project evolving, sprint by sprint.

Our long-term partners’ experience

Davanti is one of the leading Dutch companies specializing in the field of warehouse management solutions. Corax WMS is their flagship SaaS Warehouse Management System (WMS) designed for small and medium companies, but also for big warehouses that are highly automated.While the initial solution yielded good results for small and medium companies, Davanti also encountered a couple of problems with the existing software application, namely issues in performance and availability. For this reason, Davanti decided to rewrite the whole application from scratch with the clear intention to make it more appealing to enterprise businesses. After considering several Romanian companies, they finally chose us to help them rethink their software architecture for high-availability and high-scalability, redesign the WMS' user interface for improved usability, and develop new features.After 5 years we are still collaborating and developing projects together. Davanti also entrusted us with the enhancement of the older application (which is currently in production and used by 7 corporate customers), which includes processes such as troubleshooting and the development of new features. Due to our open and proactive collaboration, the results speak for themselves. Their feedback is always on the positive side and we couldn't ask for a better match than this.

Hello, we’re Qubiz

We’re a company that is 100% focused on people – both employees and clients. We’ve been in business for enough time to understand that putting people first is the thing that matters most in order to succeed in any undertaking. Our values are at the core of this culture: Client Centricity, Excellence, Teamwork, Trust and Respect, Fun and Entrepreneurship.We consistently measure ourselves by these values. By breaking them down into concrete behaviours, we are able to create a roadmap for each employee and, using 360° feedback, they know what are their strengths and where to focus on growth in the future. We believe that having a good cultural match with our clients is the single most important thing that can ensure a high-value collaboration towards reaching business objectives.We’ve been the technological partner of choice for many Western European companies in countries such as The Netherlands, The UK and the DACH region. We’ve worked with both big and small companies from different industries and managed to successfully deliver cutting edge IT solutions for businesses that are on an ascending path towards innovation.We can act as a one-stop-shop, by providing services that cover the whole application lifecycle, including functional design and consulting, software architecture design, UX/UI design, software development, QA, and finally maintenance.Need more information? We’ve got you covered! Just take a look at this guide we’ve put together to help you choose the right course of action for your nearshoring needs.

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