My first 3 years in Qubiz

These days I stopped for a moment, took a deep breath and reminded myself that I am celebrating my 3rd year in Qubiz. Time passed by so quickly and I thought about all the moments I had here. I started to remember my first day here on 19th of April 2011, the warm way my colleagues welcomed me, the way I’ve grown in the past 3 years, meaning both professionally and personally.

Qubiz is the company in which I am working as a HR specialist. It is more than just the company I work in, it’s the place where I come with a smile on my face every week starting Mondays to Fridays. I have the good luck of having a very complex job, always challenging, with various tasks, some are periodically and some are brand new. I consider myself as being a very dynamic person, so this job fits me perfectly. Due to my technical background, I managed to understand how an IT company works and I was also able to understand and work better with different technical tasks.

Qubiz & values

In the next lines, I will give the reasons why I consider Qubiz more than just another IT company referring to its values:

  1. Customer centered - we interact with our clients being very close to them and their needs. We use the SCRUM approach for the projects.
  2. Results driven - we want to have the best results in everything we do in Qubiz. We are convinced that the final result is very important to us and to our clients. The way we achieve those results is also critical. The good communication and our technical knowledge are some of the good things to keep up.
  3. Trust and respect - we are more than colleagues, we are friends. We believe that trust and respect are values that define us.
  4. Entrepreneurship - we also think in an entrepreneurial way. We think that being proactive, not simple executors, is one of the values added to our clients and also to our personal or professional development.
  5. Fun - we like to have fun together, that is why we have various indoor activities (such as birthdays, celebrating various successful projects and so on) and also outdoor activities (Summer Camp, Winter Camp, Christmas Parties, sports competitions and more). And we really enjoy being all together; sometimes our partners and children join our team buildings. Isn’t that great?

My conclusion about my first 3 years in Qubiz

At the end of my thoughts, I am happy to be part of this team, to contribute to everyday’s life in the company, to have the possibility now to share the joy of being here and have such great colleagues with whom I can work and spend good times together. I am sure that there are many other things I can say about all the good times here. I am also convinced that I can share them in the next blog posts I will write in here.

As a conclusion, I am glad that these 3 years passed, even if they did so quickly, and I can now say I am lucky to be here and be part of the Qubiz Team.

by Alina

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